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Diwali special!!!🎆🎇🎆

As soon as he broke his kiss, she pushed him and ran out of the room chuckling. Before she left, she cried...take head bath my dear Ram...today is Diwali!!!

After having a relaxing head bath, Raghav and Lakshman came downstairs with their hairs still wet and undoubtedly, they looked too hot and handsome....men of all girls' dreams...

Maithili and Urmila served Janak, Raghav and Lakshman the delicious breakfast prepared by their mother. While eating, Raghav brought on a 'awwwwww' expression on his face and timidly questioned....Uncle....we never get to burst crackers in America....I know we have to have an eco friendly Diwali...but for the first and last time....can we burst crackers this year....??? Ohh...sure....Janak replied...I know u will not be allowed to burst crackers there....but let's get only a little...ok...?

Maithili had a worried expression...she loved bursting crackers but she was damn scared of them...and also...her family preferred to have an eco friendly Diwali so she had completely lost touch...

Evening 7pm

I AM NOT BURSTING CRACKERS!!! Maithili, with folded hands, sitting on her bed yelled at Raghav who was trying to convince her from the past hour. Pls Maithili...for me.....he said, making a baby face. Maithili had no option but to agree to his cute request.

She came out dressed in a red kurta with black leggings. With big earrings and a french plat, she looked absolutely stunning. Raghav wasn't less. He dressed himself in a yellow T shirt with black jeans. Any girl would fall for his amazing looks!

They started with the little red bombs, 'bijli'(as we call it). Janak bravely held the insance stick near the tip of it and as soon as it caught fire, he came in. Dduuuuddd!! The little cracker burst with a war blowing sound and Maithili had closed her ears since Janak lit the cracker. Your turn Maithili...Janak came near her holding the insance stick and the 'bijli'. No...she went back...yes...Raghav announced as he pulled her hand and went to the bursting area with the cracker. No..Ra..Raghavv...plsss...she went on cribbing as Raghav held her hand as he leaned on her, with one hand on hers and other on her waist, making her bend towards it and carefully lit the cracker. Seeing the fire, before it could burst, Maithili shrieked in the top of her voice and hugged Raghav, pushing him away as he laughed and moved aside with her.

This went on for all bombs and Raghav frequently won her hugs each and every time! The other four were busy clicking their pictures!

Then came the shots and the whole family unitedly lit it. It was 150 in number and so everyone settled down looking up at the sky. Each time a shot went up ang burst, it created beautiful designs in the sky. Maithili and held Raghav's arms as he tilted his head towards her and admired the beauty of it. At last they lit a beautiful big sky lantern and all made their wishes as it flew high up and promised them to full fill their wishes....

How was this part ppl..?? I'm sorry I really didn't intend to promote a non eco friendly Diwali. It was just an imagination and yes... Wishing you all a very happy and a safe Diwali once again!!!

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