The first meet...

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What...!! At three in the morning..!!?? Raghav asked utterly surprised. Yes son...the girls are landing in the air port at 3.15. You have to be there at least by three... Dashrath said. Ok pa...but only on one condition...Raghav said. Allow me to sleep till nine in the morning. Ok ok...its already eight...go to have to wake up by two. Kausalya said caressing her son's head. Ma...even I want to go with bhaiyya. Lakshman came in tue middle. U Lakshman!!! you know you'll have to wake up by two in the morning!!?? Dashrath asked surprised. Ohh paa....i know...that Lakshman in Threthayug stayed awake for fourteen years without sleeping...getting up at two is not a great problem for this Lakshman u know...he said pulling his collar. But that Lakshman had his urmila who had slept for him...Ram said mockingly only to find his brother blush and go to bed.

Urmila...I'm really very sleepy...let me sleep no..Maithili for the last time asked urmila to stop disturbing her. Didi...after reaching uncle's house we can sleep no..pls didi...I'm really feeling bored in this boring flight where there is not even a tv to watch movies....urmila said, damn bored looking at all the sleeping ppl around her. Urmi....there's only an hour left for landing...the whole 22 hrs u kept me let me sleep for an hr at least...after landing we have to collect our heavy suitcases..then we have to search for uncle's son..Raghav...he'll be taking us to his house. After a second, Urmila exclaimed.. Wait...what didi!!!..Raghav....hmmmm...Raghav means Lord Ram's name Na....and that means.... Before she could continue, Maithili closed her mouth shut. And all her sleep had vanished now.

3:20 in morning

Uncle...we are here...i cannot spot your son anywhere....Maithili said to Dashrath on the phone. Wait dear...I'll give his number. U call him and ask...that will be easier...Dashrath replied as he texted Raghavs number to maithili. As soon as she got the number, she called him.

Raghav: Hello...

Maithili: Hi.. I'm Maithili...your father gave your number...

Raghav: Maithili....oh ya...where are you Siya..?

As soon as he uttered that name, both felt thousand voltage current pass through their bodies.

Maithili: Excuse me....

Raghav: I'm extremely sorry... Pls tell me where are you...

Maithili: I'm in the baggage collection counter.

Raghav: there... I'll be right the way...may I know which colour dress are you wearing..?? He asked.

Blue yellow combination...Anarkali...she replied.

Raghav went on searching. He was near the baggage counter. Just opposite him was Maithili standing, looking in the opposite direction. They went backwards until...... CRASH!!! Raghav suddenly held her waist to prevent her from falling. But on looking at her, he suddenly went to a different world. For Maithili....she was dumbstruck. For the first time ever in her life, a man had touched her...that too her waist....she was dumb. She was completely lost in his eyes.

After a second, they blinked and he made her stand. Sorry...he whispered. It's all right... She whispered back. And suddenly, he noticed her dress. Maithili...!!?? He asked, utterly surprised. Raghav!!?? She too asked back. Ohh...I'm so sorry, I couldn't recognize u... Hi...welcome to America...he said giving his hand. She too gave the sweetest smile he had ever seen and extended her hand to his.

Didi....u spotted him....good... Urmila came, dragging lakshman behind her. Look sir, this man...he his clicking my sister's pic...isn't it against the law..??!!

Lakshman: was clicking ur picture..this girl...she was clicking your picture...

Urmila: Bhaiyya...!!!?? What do u mean??

She asked angrily. I mean what I say.... Lakshman too replied angrily. down both of u...what picture are u talking about? Maithili asked.

This...!! Urmila and Lakshman both said in unison as they showed their mobiles to Raghav and Maithili...

The picture was...well u guessed it right...of Raghav holding Maithili...😍😊

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