The strange Honeymoon!

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Manali! That's final! Maithili said as she closed the booklet. Are you sure you want adventure? Raghav asked, quite unhappy with the fact that he would get less chances to romance with his wife! Oh come on Raghav! That'll be so romantic-You and Me...alone in a forest...she dramatically said as she pinched Raghav's cheek...yeah.. He sighed.

They went to book their trip and were asked to get ready at four the next morning. A cab would pick them up and would take them to a beautiful forest area in Manali.

At 3:30 am

The both were finished packing. Huff! Maithili sighed as she sat on the sofa. All ready! She chuckled to herself looking at her dear hubby placing the suitcases and backpacks. He sat next to her. Happy!? He asked her, making a baby face. And to the reply, she gave a million dollar smile. After a long time, Raghav had felt a sudden urge to be naughty. As soon as she smiled, he lifted his right brow as he suddenly took her lips. She couldn't help but to give in! When they finally had to break apart for oxygen, she shot him an angry stare. Raghav...she calmly began...there will be a specific time to romance...hope you know that! As careless as he acted, he simply slid his hands over her waist...really...he said in his hot and husky voice...and I've noticed that this "specific" time has turned to be an adventurous one for YOU are breaking the Rules of Romance...he completed with a winning smile and placed a kiss on her cheek. Whatever..she said, rolling her eyes.

A minute later, they heard a horn. It's still 3:45...why is the cab here so early...? Raghav threw out his suspicion. Strangely, the driver saw them and immediately apologised saying...sorry sir, I am late by 15 minutes. But the cab was to arrive at 4...Maithili asked. 4? I was asked to be here by three thir....before he finished, his expression grew wierd and after thinking for a while, he excitedly am early by 15 minutes...I sorry...come let's go... Beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead. But the two didn't notice his strange behavior and loaded their luggage.

After a long journey of 7 hrs, the cab came to a halt. We are here sir...please get down. As soon as Raghav and Maithili unloaded their luggage, the driver suddenly started the cab and before they could realise, was out of sight. Bu..but...where is the hotel we are supposed to be in? Maithili asked looking worried. But Raghav's expression remained serious.

Meanwhile in the cab

The driver picked up the call. Yes boss...he said confidently, I have left the two in the deepest of the unknown jungle...they are sure to perish there as the place is isolated.

Good...Jayanth smiled under his nose...very good...

I hope you liked this part. Are you curious to know how Maithili and Raghav survive?

P.s. Coming up next, some super hot and spicy romance in.....





You'll have to wait!😜

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