The passionate union

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Note:- This part is going to blow your innocence!!😜 So....all the best reading it! All people who have weak heart, pls stay away from the bold paragraph.

Maithili looked at him, quite worried regarding their current situation. He assured her that he would protect her, with a warm smile. All they knew was they were in a place they shouldn't have been in. They held hands as they passed their way through the quite forest. It's all my fault...Maithili softly said, sad about her decision for the adventurous trip. No sweetheart...he came near...I'm having the best experience of my life..! She looked at him, confused at his words. He came closer, leaving very little gap between their faces. Look...he began...we have no other way but to hold on to each other till we reach a safer basically, we are inseparable now... She shot him a cute angry look, all he was thinking about was romance in this situation!!?

It turned quite dark. As the not-so-pleasant sounds of the animals and the wind grew, Maithili came closer to Raghav, holding his arms tightly. While walking, "aah!" She cried. In no time, a shocked Raghav turned on his flashlight and saw that a little torn had pricked her and her foot was bleeding. It was a small wound but the intensity of his worry was huge! Don't worry so much Raghav...she caressed his cheek...its ok... He looked at her from top to bottom and in a jiffy, carried her in his arms. Before she could say anything more, he roughly said, "you are not uttering a word till I put u down". She smiled at his love. Seeing her smile, he bent a little and placed a soft kiss on her soft lips, and felt an energy boost!!

Not even five minutes had passed when they saw a light beyond. Hoping to find a settlement there, he walked forward. To their surprise, they saw a group of huts in a circle. In the middle was a bonfire lit and some women and men were dancing around it. Groups of people dat on logs, having food. Raghav put me down...we'll go and enquire if we can stay here tonight...she said. I've asked u not to utter a word till I put u down...he said a bit gently this time. She knew he was planning something naughty!

Namaste...May I know who u are? A voice disturbed them. They saw a boy, probably a teen. He wore a dhoti made of a strange looking material and a chain having a pendant of the sun. On his right arm, there was a writing in the Devanagari script, saying "जय सिया राम" (Jai Siya Ram). You speak our language? Raghav asked, surprise. By the time the family had gathered there. Yes...said a man...we lived in the cities too before we became tired of the life order to live a peaceful life, we live here." How beautiful! Maithili exclaimed. Seeing her in Raghav's arms, a woman, looking kind, asked...have u hurt ur feet dear? Maithili blushed as she looked at Raghav. Instead of telling the truth, he married a couple of days ago and we planned a honeymoon in Manali...but we landed here somehow... As we are on our honeymoon I thought let me steal some moments with my wife! Maithili looked at him, with her eyes wide open with shock. All the teens in the family laughed making her blush more. Noticing this, Raghav put her down as he gave a sheepish smile. They were welcomed and as their clothes were dirty, the family decided to adorn them. The young girls prepared a room for the couple, decorating it with flowers. The women took Maithili to dress her up as the men took Raghav. Raghav had to remove his shirt and wear the dhothi like the other men. The young boy, whose name was Anjaney, became Raghav's favorite. Here, Maithili was made to wear a beautiful red full length skirt. There was only one piece of white cloth to cover her chest . She was made to wear a transparent veil, revealing her complete waist. She let her long hairs loose and flowers were her jewellery. A pair of earrings made of Jasmine, and a long chain which had a rose as a pendant. Her veil was placed as her ghunghat, with which she covered her face. Raghav was becoming more and more desperate to see his beloved wife while the men constantly joked looking that. They were so warm that both Raghav and Maithili felt home. As per their tradition, only their wifes had to serve their husbands meal. When Maithili came in front of Raghav, he was spellbound! He couldn't speak a single word as his heart wanted to just pull her to him and love her till eternity. He was simply waiting for the bed time.

Finally his most anticipated moment came. He was made to wait in their room till she came. He waited and waited...he felt it would be morning till she came when he heard the soft tinkles of her anklets. She opened the door and saw her husband. And the sight made her drown in the whirlpool of shyness.

He came close as he closed the door behind. Slowly, he opened her veil to drink the beauty of her. Her eyes traced his name on the floor as her lips quivered with shyness. She had closed her fists tight and the soft wind brushed against her lovely locks. His hands slowly made its way around her waist as he held her cheeks. When he brought his lips near hers, she couldn't control and slipped away from his grip. She turned back, breathing heavily. He came close as he removed the veil which came in between them. He slid his hands around her waist from the back as he started place butterfly kisses on her neck. He moved to her bare shoulders as he softly caressed them with his lips. Her state was miserable. Before he touched her blouse she turned and hugged him tight. But he was in no mood to hug her back. Instead, he gripped her waist as he lifted her in his arms. Their eyes got locked as he proceeded towards their bed. Placing her down, he laid beside her. He slowly moved his fingers on her, taking off her jewellery. He began his trail of kisses from her forehead. Then, her petal like eyes which were closed due to his hot movements. Then, he milky cheeks which were almost red. She slightly opened her eyes as he came near her lips. In pure bliss, he kissed her lips and she reciprocated in the same intensity. After her lips, he moved to her neck and placed a chain of kisses there. Then he enjoyed kissing each and every bit of her slender waist. He then moved to her hands. Each time he kissed her arm, she shivered. Slowly he moved his hands to her back as he began untying the knot of her blouse. She, not knowing how to face him, turned back, making his work easy. He again began his kissing session. He softly kissed her neck, her back and each and every bit of her skin, experienced his passion. The slowly and passionately mingled on the cool night, consummating their marriage.

It was morning. He opened his eyes, looking at the beautiful sky. He carefully removed all her hair from her face. She innocently slept on him, like never letting him go. He turned and made her sleep below him. Only a white sheet covered them both. He looked at the ground, spotting all her jewellery and clothes. He placed a kiss on her forehead which made her move from her sleep. He felt quite sleep deprived due to the intensity of previous night. He again cuddled her and closed his eyes, hugging her tight.

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