Back to India...

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Feeling the sensation of the kiss, Maithili opened her eyes and she almost shouted before he closed her mouth. Shhh!!! He said smiling. She removed his hands from her mouth and said, Raghav...what is this!!?? at this hour!!?? You want me to go?? He asked, lifting his brows. Obviously!!! She smiled. Ok...he said sarcastically...but u need to return my kiss back to me...

Whatt!!? She exclaimed...did I ask u go now!! She said blushing.

Nope...he said...go...she said....

This "no" "go" conversation went on and on till finally Urmila mumbled in her sleep. Ram go now!! Maithili whispered. Smiling his naughty smile, he left her room.

Days passed and they didn't come to know when the three months came to an end. As their love for each other grew, they became closer and closer. But still, Raghav hadn't experienced that 'first kiss'.

One fine day, Raghav came out of his room and was completely shocked to see Maithili with all her luggage packed! Maithili...!! He came there...where are you going..??

With a teary eyed smile, she replied...Raghav....three months of my workshop came to an end yesterday. So its not so right to stay for long....I...I'm going to miss you...she said as she hugged him tightly, weeping in his chest.

Not able to come out of the shock, Raghav did nothing but lock himself in his room...he did not even come to send off Maithili...

But Maithili was well aware of his state. She also wanted to wave him a probably last goodbye but she had no choice.

As the plane landed in India, Maithili and Urmila ran to Janak who was waiting for them with open arms. They buried their heads in his chest as they cried bitterly. They did not know how to face the separation from their beloveds.

Both of them, being responsible enough, had told their father of their growing love for the two boys and Janak, knowing his daughters well had indeed accepted their choice. He knew well they would find it difficult to live a life without Raghav and Lakshman but till the situation demanded, they had to go through this pain...

After three days

Maithili and Urmila checked their phones hundred times everyday to know whether the boys had any remembrance of them but in vain. One morning, Maithili sat on her bed, scrolling through her tab, reading about the ancient languages used in dance songs. She heard her door bell ring and the next moment she heard her mother asking her to open the door. She kept her tab on the pillow as she went downstairs, through her big beautiful hall and opened the door to see the surprise of her life waiting for her!

Hufff!!! Raghav ran inside, followed by Lakshman. Why do the Indian dogs hate us so much!!??? He asked puffing and panting. Ra...Raghav?!!?? Maithili was still in a shock and was not able to believe her eyes!

Seriously...Raghav said...I regret I didn't inform u I was coming...else I won't have had to be chased by the dogs ...

Bu...but...what happened? She asked laughing at their state. We took the auto...the driver said he cannot come till ur house in this road....we had to get down far from here....and my extra sweet Ram bhaiyya offered a bread piece in his hand to a stray dog which brought its entire company to see his sweetness..!!! Lakshman said sarcastically all in one breath bringing Sunaina out of kitchen due to his words.

As Sunaina came to the door, she was indeed surprised to see the two handsome boys and after hearing Maithili's looooonngg description of them, she smiled her sweetest one. Come in children...she said in her motherly tone. What brings you hear Raghav..?? Maithili asked, lifting her brow, still angry on him for not keeping in touch. He blinked at her and turned to Sunaina. Aunty...he began...I have a project from my office where I had to stay in India...papa told this was the best place I could choose to spend my out of work time and here I am!...and the best part is...if I am successful in my project, I be offered a transfer to India!! He excitedly exclaimed, winking at Maithili...😉

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