We caught you...;)

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Aunty...slowly...Urmila cried, as Kausalya removed her heavy jhumkas from her ears. Maithili...is Urmila like this from childhood? She asked Maithili who was busy removing her make up in front of the mirror. Yes ma...she replied laughing, and her Raghav was busy admiring her half removed make up face.

After all the process of removing jewels, Kausalya said...ok girls...go and sleep now...its already 11 in night....

Bhaiyya...Lakshman came behind Raghav and whispered in his ears. Yes lakshman.....he replied...

Lakshman: Bhaiya...i will come to sleep after a few minutes....I have to....to..

As he stammered, Raghav said...u want to meet Urmila no....

Lakshman looked down and sheepishly whispered....ye..yes...

Yes yes...u can go...by the way...I too..Raghav said, acting smart

Before he could continue, Lakshman winked at him and said...u want to meet bhabhi right..?

Urmila was in her room. Before Maithili could enter, she felt a tug and the next moment she realised she was in her Raghavs arms.

Urmila, simply wandered here and there, waiting for her sister. She felt a sudden hug from back and found Lakshman close to her. U were too good....he whispered in her ears. Ohh!!!...she replied smiling...somebody said I act immature...she said sarcastically. Are u not..? He whispered in the same tone for which he got a hard tug in his tummy. She turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. You are too fast...he said pulling her waist. What if someone sees...? She asked. Close the door...he said in his husky voice. But u haven't confessed....she frowned. Confess what? He asked. She rolled her eyes and pushed him...come near me when u realise...she said, utterly angry.

What are u doing Raghav...? Maithili asked who was caged in his arms. Not Raghav...he whispered, playing with her long open hair...Ram... Ohhk...what are u doing RAM? She asked again, now smiling. He pinned her to the wall as he gripped her waist. Ram...leave me...she said, closing her eyes...shhhh....he said coming closer...give me something...he said... Actually speaking...I performed and I am the one who should get something....she spoke, lifting her head up... Hmmm...he said, giving his naughty glance... Ram...Maithili lifted her eyebrows...don't tell me u r going to....he nodded coming closer and held her cheeks. Before his lips could touch hers, Lakshman came out of the room! Bhaiyyaaaaa!!! He shouted. Here, Kausalya came calling out! In a horrible confusion, Maithili rushed to her room and in a jiffy, Raghav hugged Lakshman! Raghav...what are you doing..???!! Kausalya asked utterly surprised... Nothing ma....he exclaimed...I'm just pouring my immense love on my loveliest brother..! And just imagine Lakshman's state....he was simply shocked to death to see his brother's really sudden expression of love!!!

Kausalya laughed and dragged them back to their rooms

Here, Maithili and Urmila spent the entire night laughing their lungs out!!!!

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