A better future...

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He saw her, her face completely blooded, her body scratched and herself, breathless. No....no..!!!! He shouted...this cannot happen!!! He ran to her her and lifted her head in his palms. He gave her head a support of his chest. He held her cheeks and filled his hand with her blood. No Sitae...you cannot leave me like this...he cried, gently hitting her cheek to wake her up... I never abandoned you from my heart...the moment you left the threshold of our chamber, my soul died...it was no more alive! It was only my mere breathless body that ruled Ayodhya... I had AND have no existence without you love.... You cannot leave me now.... I was bounded by all terrible terms and conditions of the "Maryada Purushottam" but as a human, I lived not for my reign, not for my people, not for my relatives, brothers, and to the extent, not even for my parents... I lived not for myself....but for you....ONLY FOR YOU.... She was still motionless. He didn't know whether she was alive or not, but he was sure he would see her again, either in this world or in the heavens. If you are not going to get up...he said in a commanding yet pleading tone... I'm going to come with you... Sitae...we were made for each other and are meant to be... Our previous births did not allow us to be together...but today...today we are born to be with each other... His tears seemed endless as he wrapped his arms around her petite body and touched his face to hers, shedding tears... A faint sound of breath alarmed him. He lifted his face to see his Sitae trying hard to open her eyes. His breath went super fast and without wasting a second, he lifted her in his arms. For their luck, he found a hospital after a few moments of walk and quickly he admitted her there.

What!? How did it happen!? Janak terrified, asked Raghav who had called him. I'll tell later uncle...pls be here quick...he said. Within moments Raghavs and Maithili's families were inside the hospital, outside Maithili's room and in front of Raghav who was panting. He saw them. All were completely filled with tears. Urmila ran to him... Jija... Didi will be alright no...she asked, crying hard. He had no answer and neither he had the strength to speak. Excuse me... The doctor came from the room. She's having a terrible loss of blood. We need blood of A -ve. Can anyone bring it from the blood bank as soon as possible ? I...I'll get it... Janak said as his voice chocked. No...Raghav got up. All looked confused. I have the same blood group. I'll give the blood. He didn't want his love to be harmed in any way. He went inside. He saw her... An oxygen mask was placed. She was trying to breath hard. Her hands, everywhere were punctured by the needles.

He came out after some time, completely drained out. He had no energy left in him. Janak and Dashrath helped him sit as Lakshman ran out to get a bottle of juice for him. The mothers sat opposite, crying at the terrible fate.

The doctor came back and smiled. There is nothing to worry...he said. She has got hit on her head but fortunately, there's no danger. She has regained energy and might regain consciousness by the day break or soon. Only any one of you stay behind with her. The rest can go back. He assured. I'll stay. Said Raghav. No Raghav... Janak came near him... U are already tired. Don't strain yourself... I'll be here. You go home and rest dear. Janak was concerned. Rest? Raghav questioned... What are you saying uncle? How can I even think of resting when my Maithili is suffering...? And I am not going to let her disappear from my sight at any moment... I'll stay with her. Janak kissed his forehead, looking at his utmost care and love for his daughter... I would never get a better husband for my daughter...he thought. All of them left the place.

It was midnight. Raghav still sat next to her, holding her palm in his. He slightly caressed her hair. I almost lost you today...he said, chocking.... Promise me you'll never do it again...he said as he placed a tender kiss on her lips. Hours passed. Surprisingly, sleep didn't seem to come to him at all! But still, due incident today had shocked him to the core.

All of a sudden, all went blank. He felt his eyelids becoming heavy and he closed his burning eyes.

He woke up as the Sun kissed his face with its bright rays. He tried to remember what happened last night.... All he knew was that all of a sudden, everything darkened. A feeling of a gentle touch on his hairs and a voice whispering "forget the past and lead a better future..." And when he tried to recollect the previous day's incident, all he remembered was walking with Maithili, holding her hand in his... And a terrible accident which made them land here. He found that he was still gripping her hand and when he looked at her, he was surprised to find her awake and smiling cutely at his sweet gesture. He too smiled back and asked... Maithili....do you remember what happened yesterday..? Raghav...she said in her casual voice... I was asking you the same question...how did this accident happen!? We were walking with each other and when I opened my eyes, I saw I was all dressed in bandages and you were holding my hand. He sighed...whatever might have happened.... Thank god u are all right... He said kissing her forehead.

He slowly made her get up and ....good morning... Sunaina and Kausalya came in with a big tiffin carrier. Darling...are you alright now..? Kausalya asked sitting next to Maithili. Yes aunty...she replied, smiling at Raghav. The mothers helped her freshen up and Raghav too freshened him up. After having a steamy cup of tea in the hospital, Maithili was discharged and they left Ayodhya, leaving all their terrible past behind and to enjoy the upcoming wedding preparations.

Neither Raghav nor Maithili remember the flashes from the past which had almost again separated them. Who knows...the almighty himself had blessed them to forget and to live happily ever after...😊

Upcoming: Raghav and Maithili's wedding preparations, pre wedding romance😉 and a surprise guest (well, guestS) visiting them! Hope u all liked this part. Pls comment ur views.😊

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