...happily ever after...💕

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A little knock disturbed them from their sleep. Before the little kid of the tribal family knocked again, his teenage siblings pulled him aside.

But Maithili and Raghav were awake. Raghav slightly tucked hairs behind her ear, looking at her almost red face. She carried the same shyness she had when they first came close. Without looking at his eyes, she got up and moved towards her clothes. Throughout her journey to the river, she was teased by all the girls. After having a bath in the river, she put on her own dress as she felt they had to move on. Raghav too had his bath and packed his bags. The family kindly offered them some wild fruits as breakfast. Later, Anjaney, the boy who found them first, strangely bowed to Raghav's feet. A sudden boost of memory filled Raghav and Maithili's mind. A visual of Lord Hanuman bowing to Lord Ram's feet filled in their minds for a fraction of a second. Then suddenly they were back to reality. I'll guide you till the end of the forest, said Anjaney. They bid farewell to the family and left.

It had been afternoon and still, Maithili had not found courage to look into Raghav's eyes. But minute by minute, Raghav was becoming more desperate for a moment with her. Finally, when the sun was about to set, they reached the forest end. Anjaney whistled and within seconds, a car stood in front of them. Raghav bhaiyya...he began...this is Sugreev, he is my best of friends. He will take you till your doorstep. Pls don't worry.

Sugreev nodded as he loaded their luggage into his car. They sped up through the road and Anjaney soared into the skies...

In the way, Maithili fell asleep and she didn't mind resting on her dear husband's chest. And Raghav, well he was badly waiting for something like this. As soon as she fell asleep, he started admiring her baby like face. She looked so cute in sleep! After placing a soft kiss on her forehead, he too fell asleep.

Here, Jayanth, thinking his plan was successful, decided to fly abroad. But the luck didn't favour him, the plane he was on crashed and he had pay heed for his deed.

The morning sun rose with its utmost beauty. As the rays fell on Maithili's face, she woke up and saw herself on her husband who still held her in his cozy grip. She saw that Sugreev was driving and not even a trace of tiredness was on his face. She again looked at Raghav and thought about the night. Since then, she had not even spoke a word to him...she slightly got up and kissed his cheek. Feeling the kiss Raghav too woke up. He hugged her back, smiling and she too felt more comfortable.

Finally, they reached home. Raghav took his purse to pay Sugreev but he was reluctant on taking it....I was and am born to help you sir...he said, confusing the couple. Before they went inside, he took a last glance at them and folded his hands in devotion and rushed back to heavens.

Here, Lakshman and Urmila were already back from their trip and they welcomed Raghav and Maithili.

Days passed. Maithili was working on her PHD while Raghav was focusing on his project which was very important for his company. Urmila and Lakshman helped their siblings for the same.

Raghav and Lakshman were in the office while the girls were busy in researching about the ancient temples where Dance originated.

One day, while the girls were alone, they heard a bell ring. Urmila went to answer it and a surprise waited for her there. Maa...Papa....!!! She shouted. Maithili ran downstairs hearing her scream.

It was a lovely meet...both the girls were happy to the core. They spent a lot of time in Raghav and Maithili's house speaking about their post marriage life. However, Maithili decided to hide the so called mishap that happened in her honeymoon.

After a few more moments of cuddles and sweet conversations with her parents, Maithili went to the kitchen to get some snacks for them. It was 5 in the evening and Raghav would return any time soon. Maithili was feeling quite uncomfortable since morning but she preferred to stay as comfortable as possible in front of her parents. While getting the snacks, a sudden giddiness got the better of her and she fell down with a Thud!

Janak, Sunaina and Urmila rushed towards her worrying to death.

Raghav was on his way back home before he saw Urmila's car pass by. When he entered, he was shocked to hear by the security that his wife was taken to the hospital. He immediately called Urmila as he enquired where they were and rushed there.

In the hospital, the scenario was entirely different. The doctor wasn't willing to tell anything to the family till her husband came. And when he did, he was asked to meet his wife. Raghav was nervous. He was worried to death about his wife. As he entered, he saw her, smiling with a hint of red on her cheeks. Are...are you all right? He asked her, holding her hand. She nodded and slightly bent towards him, placing a kiss on his cheek. Congratulations....she whispered...we have a new responsibility now... He was so numb by the shock that he couldn't even understand a single word she said. He kept looking at her in a confused frown. As a reply, she kept his hand on her tummy and said... Welcome the new member of our little family...the symbol of our love.... His excitement knew no bounds. Without thinking for a moment, he grabbed her face for a lovable kiss.

Her months of pregnancy was like the best moments for him....to see her naughty child like behaviour. She was no less than a baby if she wanted something. And he did not even let her place her feet on the ground. He had applied leave for his office for the last few months and Lakshman looked after the company.

Finally, the expected date arrived and Raghav was busy getting nervous outside the OT. A few moments later, he heard a little shrill cry. For a moment he thought....this one is like its mother....and giggled. The next surprise awaited for him when he heard another cute cry....

The two spent much time with their twin boys as happily as possible. And the two little ones loved the company of its parents.

One day, Raghav decided to take Maithili to a beautiful lake. They stepped on the rim of it, holding their babies. They smiled, looking into each other...and whispered in unision.... "I lived, live and will live..... Only For You.....💕"


Felt really emotional while writing this last part....😭 It was such a long and beautiful journey....😢 Hope u all like it. Pls comment on it and let me know which part you loved the most....😊

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