Blast from past!!!

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As the days passed, Maithili and Raghav started getting more close through feelings. But neither of them expressed it to each other. Urmila and Lakshman too tried many ways to get them speak to each other but in vain...

Maithili was too shy, and Raghav, well he was waiting for the right time.

But, there was one hurdle on their way...she had waited for them to take revenge against fact, she had killed herself to do this....she was no longer a living villain to this sprouting love story but a dead soul, waiting to avenge its death...

She was none other than Shoorpanakha, the same woman who had caused the ultimate separation of two loving souls Siya-Ram... From the threthayug, she had been waiting for them...she knew they would come back, this time, not to get separated due to harsh raj dharm...but to live a normal romantic husband wife relationship, not bounded by any dharm or maryada...

And she knew well, she would find them someday and destroy the reason for their birth in Kaliyug...

There were still fifteen days left for Maithili's workshop to begin, until then, she was to complete all the preceding formalities.

One fine day, Maithili had to visit the Culture University for the final registration. Raghav offered to drop her and she gladly accepted it. On the way, Maithili learnt that Raghav was a student of classical dance too...he had learnt for a few years before he left it due to his father's constant transfers.

They reached the university and Maithili insisted Raghav to wait till she returns. Few minutes passed...few hours passed, but he didn't spot Maithili. Worried due to her long absence, he went inside the office, to the director's room. With beads of sweat on his fore head, he asked him about Maithili. But the director seemed tensed too...She left the office long back...he replied, with lines of worry on his face. Sir...she hasn't returned back there any place she informed u abt that she would prefer going now? Raghav asked, now the tension raised to its peak. No...she said her friend is waiting outside and she had to leave immediately....Raghav...that's ur name right?...There is a deep forest nearby this building...if she is a kind if person who loves nature...may be she has been drawn to it... He said, with a little hope in his voice. But she always informed me before leaving anywhere...that cannot be possible...I'll have to go and search for her immediately...Raghav said said as tears brimmed. Calm down my boy...the director consoled him and gave his number. Of u need aby help, call me...he said before he saw Raghav rushing out.

Where is Maithili??? Is she in danger??

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