The temple visit

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Urmila saw Maithili coming back from Raghavs room. And looking at the pink coloured blush on her cheeks, she asked...didi...what happened there..?? U r blushing as if u r coming from your husband's room....

Maithili: Shhhh!!! Nothing like that come...

In the afternoon.

Doubting that something was going on between her didi and Raghav, Urmila decided to personally talk to her would be jija...

Here, noticing his brother's absent mindedness today, Lakshman knew that something had affected his bhaiyya...and he knew it well that it was his beautiful would be Bhabhi's magic... He too decided to talk to Maithili and ask her about her feelings for Raghav.

Coming from Maithili's room was Urmila and from Raghavs room was Lakshman. Seeing Urmila headed towards Raghavs room, Lakshman stopped her immediately.

Lakshman: Whoohoo...stop madam....where do you think you are going haan???!!!

Urmila: Ohh!! That's none of your business Mr. Angry nose... By the way...may I know why you are headed towards didi's room??

Lakshman: Well..if knowing why you are going towards bhaiyya's room is not my business, then knowing why I'm headed to Maithili didi's room is also not your business...

Urmila: Excuse me!!! I'm a girl and hv rights to go wherever I want...but u r a boy....u should not be going to didis room when she's alone....u must be having this common sense man!!!

Lakshman: u r a girl!! I got to know this now!!! Thank u for clearing my misunderstanding...and abt going to didis room...I'm like her little brother and therefore I claim all my rights upon her as a sister...

Urmila: Is it!!!?? Then I too shall come with u...even I want to see what this self claimed brother speaks to my didi....

Lakshman, patting her cheeks sarcastically said... It's only for adults dearie!! Better stay out of it ok...

Urmila: Excuse me... I'm 18+ already...and go do whatever u want...

She said as she ran to Raghavs room.

As if in a movie, just before Lakshman and Urmila were about to enter Maithili and Raghavs rooms, Kausalya called them. She said they all will be leaving for Lord Shiva and Devi Parvathi's famous temple in America.

All got dressed in their traditional outfits and left for the temple. While praying, Maithili and Raghav stealthily exchanged glances of each other and when sometimes their eyes met, they looked away casually.

In the temple

After praying for abt half an hour, they all wondered around. Maithili was the happiest as she never expected she could be visiting a temple in America. Maithili and Urmila wandered here and there and Urmila attracted by a unique ritual taking place at a distance went there. Here, The parents went in a different direction and Raghav and Lakshman in another. Lakshman, noticing a big crowd and Urmila among them, went away to ask what was happening. Here, Maithili had found a big bell tied at a high level. It was her childhood craze to jump up and ring them...sometimes, if she couldn't reach the height, her father would lift her up and help her ring it. Now...she didn't have her father with her and even if she did, he couldn't lift her up the way he used to when she was a child.

She was struggling hard to reach the bell...she jumped on her toes again and again, trying to increase height but in vein. When Raghav was looking here and there, he spotted Maithili. How cute!!! He thought looking at her expression. He waited for sometime looking at her and finally went near her...assuring that no one was watching them. As Maithili was facing back towards him, she did not realise his presence. Raghav and lifted Maithili and without realising what had happened, Maithili in a peak of excitement rang the bell as many times as her heart had craved for. Raghav was so lost in her smile that he felt no weight.

Her expression suddenly changed when she felt she was in his arms. He slowly put her down, still not taking his hand off her. His hands were on her waist now and her tender body touching his hard one. Their eyes met and both were lost in their world with the Lord Shiva and Devi Parvathi themselves watching and blessing them from the heavens....

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