Raghav to protect Maithili

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Maithili!!!! Where are you...!!?? Raghav shouted at the top of his lungs and as expected, he did not get an answer. Finally, giving up all his hopes, he decided to inform the police. He went near his car when suddenly.....Bhooo!!!! Maithili jumped, scaring Raghav to death. On seeing his terrified expression, she laughed till her tummy ached. I'm...I'm....re...really .. Sorry...!! She said between her laughs. When I came here u weren't there so I thought of surprising u...she said, still trying her best to control her laughter. Here, Raghav was perplexed! He was tensed to death about her and she...she is laughing over here. He didn't know what to do or what to say. He shot an angry glance at her which made her stop laughing. Raghav...I'm really...before she could continue, he blasted. Do u even know how tensed I was...!! What took you so long!! What was the necessity to shock me like this...i would simply die of heart attack if you went missing..dont play games here...like a kid...dont you have a little bit of responsibility!!?? He shrieked in such a great voice that oblivious to her, tears dripped from her eyes. She looked down and closed her eyes tightly not able to look at him shout at her. Raghav suddenly realised what he had done. He slapped his forehead with a sigh. I'm really sorry Maithili...he said holing her shoulders. See I was really worried about you...even the director said u left long back...i searched for you so much.... I know I shouldn't have shouted at you...I'm sorry...he said lifting her face, drying her tears. She too apologised to him and gave him her brightest smile. Come..lets go..Raghav said . Before he went to his seat, she asked him, with a glint of naughtiness. Raghav...what if I really get lost and something wrong happens to me..?? Will u shout at me like this only!? On hearing these heart breaking words , he came really close to her with a serious expression. Without saying anything, he pulled her to him for a tight hug. If something wrong happens to you...I'll kill myself! He said, wetting her hairs with his tears. Maithili was dumbstruck! She knew he loved her but she wanted him to confess it directly. Therefore, to lessen the seriousness of the situation, she pulled back and said laughing....ohooo...Raghav...cool down!! You are acting as if I'myour wife!!...there's no way I'll get lost and there's also no way I'll let you kill yourself. Raghav understood this naughtiness of hers and he too smiled and said...only the time can tell Siya...whose name is embedded in whose heart...the god only knows! Hearing this, she turned bright pink and sat in the car, not able to look at him.

Later, they reached home, Raghav saw that there was a black cloth stuck to Maithili's jacket. Maithili...what is this. ? He asked removing it. Oh..I didn't see it before...even Maithili looked confused. Did you tie it before you left home, he asked, examining it. No Raghav...she replied...when I was coming back from the university, i saw a forest behind...i was attracted towards it and I was about to enter it...suddenly I felt something pass next to me...i thought it would be an animal... I realized u would be waiting for me and came back...may be at that time this cloth got stuck...she said, tucking her hairs behind her ears.

Raghav looked at her and suddenly recalled what that director told him.


Raghav was enquiring about Maithili to the director when he said she must have gone to that forest behind. He said all those people who had entered that forest never came back..and even if they did, they would die after some days after that forest visit.

Raghav was sweating. He did not want any thing such as that to happen. He could not let Maithili be harmed by anyone. He decided to tell her all this and said he would be coming to her room in the night to tell her something important. She was confused at his wierd words but simply nodded a yes and went inside.

So...how was this part...??

Upcoming: Maithili and Raghavs journey through some really uncanny, thrilling events. 😊

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