Theater couldn't get better

105 14 11

Song: Ariana Grande- Into you

Chapter 2

⭐Sean's P.O.V⭐

"I would say let's make it hood, but you wouldn't know nothing about that huh Beverly hills." Mila suggested.
"Yeah yeah yeah, pick on where I'm from. I'm just gonna enjoy the attention your giving me." I commented.
"Your no help, I'm definitely taking over the writing."
"Thanks I know." I said smiling at her.
"Come on Charles, help please."
Alright alright, geesh." Charles pleaded as they started writing.

I don't know man , I swear there was something about this girl. The way she talked, even how mean she was to me. It was sorta of a turn on. She was so different. Mila didn't have female characteristics really, she had male characteristics. She was so cute to me. No way am I crushing, just sprung maybe. Have you ever wanted a pair of shoes so bad, but you don't have enough money to buy them. That's how I feel about her. I just don't have enough game to capture this fish. I don't know man, I have never wanted to smash a girl as bad as want to fuck her. I mean I could think of so many different ways. It's a 100 different ways. I chuckled to myself as I thought of that kid ink song. The more and more I thought about what I would do turned me on. I started to bite my bottom lip as I tapped my pencil slightly.

"Hello, earth to Sean." Mila said waving her hand."yo Beverly hills." Finally snapping me out of my thoughts I release my bottom lip as I turn to look at her.
"Huh?" I responded.
"To busy thinking about your groupies huh?" She snapped.
"No, just thinking of how to make you one."
"Look its not going to happen, I don't get played I play."
"Sure, right." I drugged out. She rolled her eyes.
"Anyways that's besides the point, I was asking for suggestions again."
"Oh, maybe we should do like Bonnie and Clyde the Romeo and Juliet version."

Honestly, I don't know what I was talking about. I was just talking because I liked hearing her talk and her lips was just sexy.

"What in the hell kinda mix up is that, that doesn't even go together." Charles exclaimed.
"Wait Charles, I think Beverly hills might be on to something."
" Thanks L.A."
" Mila explain how this would even work." Charles sighed.
"See in both cases they would die for each other. Let's take the scenario of they're parents not wanting them together because Clyde of course is a thug and Juliet is high class, but they fall in love blah,blah,blah. Clyde is on the run blah blah blah. He will have to run away, he figures it's the best time for him and Juliet to run away together. And that's how they get on the run, but in the end they both die at the same time or whatever." Mila explained.
"Such beautiful art." I put my fingers together, kissed them, through them in the air, and brought them back down.
"So he will be playing these wonderful people." Charles commented with a smirk.
"L.A and I of course."
"No way, uh huh." She disagreed.
"Why not." I said putting my arm over her shoulders and pulled her in patting her head smoothly up and down. She looked at me annoyed.
"Because ain't no way in hell would I do a love story with you." She said pulling away from me getting up. Walking towards the door.
"Don't leave me my love, Juliet Juliet, there's no Clyde without thou Juliet!" I yelled as Charles and I burst into laughter.

*Kinda a short chapter but I have to switch the point of views for what's next. I just wanted to give you a little glimpse in his thoughts lml. Welp on to chapter three. Make sure to comment and vote please.😁😁😃

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