Riding with A Cohan

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Song: Jamie Foxx-You changed me
This book is coming to me like a flood lol so I decided to give the six chapter so I could be closer to 10. Enjoy😁

Chapter 6
Mila's P.O.V⭐

" Are you sure about this Mila." My grandma asked for what felt like the millionth time.

"Yes grandma, it's just for some months, ya know temporary."  I said grabbing my laptop and its charger.

"You barely know the boy, your really going to leave your grandma for a bet?" She said the last part with sadness. I walked around the counter to get to where she was sitting. I hugged her tight.

"Grandma, I'm not leaving you. I'll make sure to visit you." I kissed her on her cheek as I pulled away from her hug.

"Twice a week?" I laughed a little getting a slight smile on her face.

"Yea, of course if that's what you want."

"I want you to stay."I sighed.

"Grandma." I drugged out.

"Mila, you know your parents wouldn't want this for you. They'd probably be against this."

"Like they cared." I said up under my breath, but you can still tell that she caught it because she sighed.

"I know growing up was hard, but..." She stated and I began to ignore her.I was really tired of her reasoning for what my parents did. I began to stare out the window as I continued to ignore her. I then saw a red Camaro 2ss 2016 pull up and come to a complete stop next to the curb. You can say I know my cars.

 You can say I know my cars

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"We just want what's..." Beep! A loud horn went off which was most likely Sean's. Causing my grandmother to pause in her reasoning.

"Welp grandma that's my ride."

"Nice car for a child  in high school." I stood up and sighed.

"Welp that's what you get when your the son of Frank Cohan."

"The ex-football player." She stuttered out slowly and shocked.

"Yep please don't say nothing. I don't want him to think I care about all that stuff. He'll take that as I'm into him or something. Despite how much I dislike him."

"Sure doesn't seem that way."

"Huh?" I questioned my grandmother.

"If you dislike him, why move in with him." She questioned sternly trying to prove a point.

"It's a bet, no way am I losing my rep to him." I defended.

"Mila baby, you really gonna have to let this go."

"Here you go again." I huffed out.

"Don't be talking to your grandmother like that."

"No disrespect grandma, but I gotta go."

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