(Part 2): First Time

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Mila's P.O.V

"VVS the tech all in my wrist watch, got em jump jumpin like I'm criss Kross, she gon bring ol' girl let em criss cross dripping water i forgot to turn my wrist off."

Most of the crowd was now in a big group dancing. All hyping each other up as they did dance combos, hitting the folks on bass drops. Thank god Sean was in the crowd otherwise I would still be on the dance floor. I needed a break, not to say I wasn't having fun because I'm having a blast It's just these heels. I walk to the drink area and grabbed a soda. I opened the can as I sat down on one of the kitchen stools.

"Look who's finally free." Andrew said walking up.

"Hey." I said smiling.

"You look beautiful as always, glad to see you're enjoying yourself." He commented.

"Well thanks, and of course. How about yourself?"

"You know parties aren't my thing, but my mom felt I should go out. Plus the guys drugged me here." He said shrugging his shoulders as I chuckled. "Why you sitting down?"

"First time I get a break." He chuckled cause he knew exactly what and who I was talking about.

"That boy is to hype for his own good." Andrew commented as we turned to look at Sean center circle with Ryan dancing to 'Cut It' by O.T. Genesis. All the guys was filled with energy. Some jumping up and down ,others anticipating the movements, and of course the ones who do all the adlibs. A.K.A the main hypers or at least that's what I like to call them.

"You don't say." I commented as the song changed to Tyga '1 of 1'.

"Well do you want to dance?" I looked at him weird because it caught me off guard. "Just one dance is all I'm asking." He said with a smile.

"of course." I said putting my hand out as he grabbed it. Getting up he walked me to an empty spot in the crowd.


"This right here is my type of party. Ooooooooo. Five more hours, were just getting started. Five more hours, we're just getting started."

The bass dropped and we began fist pumping jumping up and down. Dancing with Andrew has been fun. I know you're wondering where Sean is cause the last time I spoke about him was two songs ago. Well he's preparing for his set. Which should be starting in a few. So me and Andrew walk back to the kitchen area.

"Tony!" I screeched out hugging her.

"Hey girl, haven't seen you all night."

"I know I've been caught on the dance floor all night." I said rolling my eyes jokingly laughing getting a chuckle from Andrew. The Weekend 'Starboy' was playing at the moment and you could hear Andrew singing it a little under his breath.

"Im'a Im'a starboy. Look what you done!" He sung bopping his head. He noticed us staring.

"What?" He questioned.

"And you say you don't do parties." Tony chuckled sternly.

"College boy." I said shoving him and we laughed.

"Here Tony, there wasn't no more peppers so I just got you regular nachos and cheese." Donna rambled out handing Tony her food.

"Hi Donna." Andrew said with a laugh.

"Thanks Donna." Tony said rolling her eyes at Andrew.

"No problem. Umm hi Mila."

"Hey." I said doing a slight wave.

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