The bet

56 10 5

Song: Tinashe- bet

Hi there hope you guys are enjoying but please stop being silent comment and tell me what you think😁.

Chapter 4
⭐Mila's P.O.V⭐

So that's exactly what we did, hung out at four. I Wanted to go to Roscoe's, but everyone decided to go to this ice cream parlor instead. So me wanting what I want, I went on my own, got my chicken and waffles, then met up with them at the ice cream parlor. They were all sitting at this table eating ice cream. I sat down in the only spot left, don't be surprise cause of course it was next to Sean. I set down opening my tray in aww of the wonderful smell.

"Thanks babe." He smiled a he ate the piece of chicken he took from me. I just stared at him.

"Oh, oh." Toni said first.

"What." Charles spoke, then looked at me and paused too. Waiting to see what will happen.

"Why did you do that?" Andrew pleaded.

"Would everyone chill, it's just some chicken." Sean chuckled licking his fingers.

"Just some chicken, just some chicken! I don't believe nor think you put ins on this nigga! I don't believe you payed my way there to get this chicken!I definitely don't believe you work 28 hours a week! I only make Five hundred and Eighty Eight dollars every two weeks living in this luxurious land called California!Which means I don't need no rich kid from Beverly Hills eating my food when I didn't offer the shit to him in the first fucking place!" I yelled at him. I looked back at my food relieve and felt like I did some justice. No one responded nor moved,but me I ate a piece of my waffle. Sean did nothing, but smile at me.

"I love it when you talk to me like that, it's so sexy." He commented still smiling at me.

"Well he took that great." Savannah said happy as everyone went back to what they were doing before. Donna was here only because Toni invited her, but she was quiet the whole time. Which stroke me suspicious, but i didn't say anything because my hands were full.

"You guys are so cute, I mean look at the way he looks at you." Tia pointed out. Everyone looked at him including me. He was literally just staring at me.

"Get your head out her ass!" Charles yelled hitting him across the head causing him to snap out of it.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"Come on Sean you posed to be the player from the Himalayas. Your ass is sprung" Andrew said laughing.

"Not sprung, once I fuck I'll let it go."

"Yeah right , that's never going to happen. Even if we were together 24/7 I would never give in because I'm a player." I explained.

"So you think, no one can resist Sean." He said praising his ego like always.

"Just like no one can resist Mila, just like your sprung ass ." Ooos went  around the table.

"Oh yeah, give me a couple of weeks and I'd have that ass wrapped around my finger." Sean exclaimed.

"I could give you a couple of months and you still won't have me." I challenged

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