Let's Talk

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Song: Omarion: Let's talk feat Rick Ross

Here's an update Happy New years🎆🎉 i know I've been awol ,but I promise more updates.

Chapter 15
Sean's P.O.V.⭐

I wake up kind of uncomfortable. Sand isn't all that comfortable,it's to grimey. Plus it gets everywhere, places it shouldn't be. So trust me when I say everywhere. Honestly I didn't even expect to spend a night here. I wasn't going to complain either cause I wake up to Mila, she was sound asleep in my arms. I guess she got a little cold cause she had in my shirt. I chuckle lightly at the sight. I swear this girl gets me every time with the things she do. Oh to answer any questions, we did not have sex. Well after that intense kiss she looked at me,and smiled. I hugged her passionately. She never said anything, but 'hold me', so I did. We just looked at the stars and i joked around a little putting hickeys on her neck. I mean what do you expect, you kiss a guy like that and don't have sex with him. It was a real tease and I was horny ass fuck, but since it was her i didn't force myself on her, I controlled my hormones. Fuck, that shit was hard.

Each time I felt like I was going to explode i put a hickey on her. I eventually stopped or she could of passed out. So instead I went to sleep. Which is sorta how we still here laying here now. Like I said though, I won't complain because I enjoy being next to her. Which makes last night so confusing. I run my fingers over the many hickeys on her neck which was very bright due to her light skin tone.

"Your not thinking about putting another one,are you Sean." I heard her sleepy voice speak.
"No, I was just appreciating my art." I chuckle as she turns to me.
"Mhmm, you don't say." She said grabbing my face with both hands as she used the pad of her thumbs to rub my cheeks.

I grabbed her leg putting it around my hip grabbing on her thigh. I leaned in grabbing a hold of her lips. She kissed me back with the same passion from last night. I swear this is really not good for me. Her tongue massaged mines and she tasted so sweet. Her lips was so soft, I don't think i ever want to stop kissing her. She bites my bottom lip as a smile crept up on her face. I smirked back as my tongue glided over both of her lips before entering back in her mouth. I was fully on top of her now and her hands slid up and down my back slowly. Her hands began to run through my hair as I took my shirt off of her.

Continuing the intense kiss,I began to unbuckle the belt to her shorts as I put kisses to her neck and back to her mouth. I don't know if this were really happening. If so the bet was officially out the window. Her hands went to my pants unbuttoning them. Yep,this is happening. I kissed her like it was my last. I then felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"No..no.no." I spoke in between the kiss. The phone stopped ringing and I was relieved. I lifted her leg up closer to my side as I went slowly pulling her shorts down. Well my luck is bad cause her phone started ringing.
"Mmmmm." She spoke into the kiss pulling away. " i should get that. "
"No ma." She reached into her pocket .
"Yes do you see all these missed calls." She said pushing me off of her so she could sit up. I began to think maybe it wasn't meant to happen. I sighed.
"Look, Toni called like three times,Savannah ten, Charles called once and even Andrew called twice." She explained, but I could only sigh. " Look what Charles texted 'yo where Sean; I guess y'all had something planned👅' and I forgot I told Toni i would call her. " she rambled.
"Hey what's wrong with you?"
"Nothing." I said dryly getting up.I put on my shirt and hat.
"Are you sure?" She said standing up fixing her shorts.
"Yeah." I said through clench teeth, tightening my belt as I stood on my favorite rock. She looked at me confused.
"I'm sorry Sean." She said before walking off. I didn't reply i just looked at her walk away before I looked back at the water.
"Fuck!" I shouted , throwing a rock into the ocean. I got down walking back to my motorcycle.

The ride back home went quick, way faster than getting here. Most of the ride Mila was sleep, but she held onto me the same way as before. I touched her hand from time to time,but I mainly kept my hands on the handles and focus on the road.I was starting to catch feelings for this girl,but I just don't think she even feels the same way. Especially with all the ways she disses me. Then why would she kiss me with so much passion. Then it finally hit me,she's playing me. Me Sean Alexander getting played. I thought she wasn't good at this,but boy was I wrong. I just got to put my feelings and shut aside and play the game way harder. She done messed with the wrong player.

About twenty minutes later, I arrived at the condo i kicked the kick stand out and woke Mila up.

"We're here." I say slightly. Why did I sound so down, man I swear this feelings shut suck.
"Do you cook." She said yawning before getting off the bike as did too.
"I want breakfast." She said with a smile.
"And I Want Some...." I said following her into the condo.
"Hey, you might never get it, unless I get my breakfast. I might consider." She said with a smile walking down the hall.
"Scrambled,fried,or over-easy!" I shouted to her.

~30minutes later ~

"I talked to her,she just wanted to be nosey. Wondering what happened." She explained eating some of her eggs. I sat back drinking some Orange juice.
"Yeah I kind of stood the guys up, I forgot we was supposed to go paint balling."
"Without me." She pretended to be offended as she sat her glass of Apple juice back down.
"Well it was sorta a guy thing, which I might just reschedule."
"And put me in the plan, cause trust i could kick some ass." She said getting up putting her plate in the sink.
"Alright your on ma." I smirked.

There you guys have it chapter 15. More updates coming sooner than you think😉.

Mila and Sean


Mila and Andrew


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