Forgive and Forget

30 3 4

Song: Major lazor & Dj snake Lean on
Been a minute since i updated so here you go😊

Chapter 17
⭐Andrew's P.O.V.⭐

I sat down at the table just eating. I glared at Sean as he was two people down on the other side. I can't believe he actually hit me and he said he wish I wasn't born.It kept repeating through my head. I never dreamed of fighting my brother especially not over a girl.

That was just it, Mila wasn't just a girl. She was my heart and my brother being with her just wasn't okay with me. It was no way he loved her like I did, or even loved her at all. My own brother and I fighting, that was just something we never do, due to the division already in our family.

I didn't like being mad, but couldn't help but be mad. Silence was sweeping our table. Only thing being heard was other conversations throughout the cafeteria. The others didn't say anything, they only stared back and forth at Sean and me. Hoping we would say something, but there wasn't a single peep from neither one of us. Mila kicked me up under the table catching my attention,she wants to have the eye talk. Ugghh.


" No. " I said with my eyes.

"This is petty." She rolled her eyes.

"Fine." I gave in and she did a slight smile. Soon as I was about to speak, Charles beat me to it.

"Come on guys it's been about two weeks now, let it go."

" Actually one week and two days. " Sean commented.

"Smart ass." I snickered .

"Someone gotta be, because your not to bright."

"As for a guy who has to trick females to get what he actually wants."

" Oh I'm so hurt by your words. Bitch ass nigga. "

"Fake ass nigga." I commented .

"Hey! This has to stop as of now." Tony suggested .

"I agree." Savannah chimed in. "I don't know what it was about cause Charles won't tell us, but I do know I don't like y'all beefing." She finished .

"You don't need to know because it's petty, and besides you two are brothers." Charles said catching me and Sean's attention.

"Brothers?" Everyone said at the same time . Sean then got up angrily slamming his hands on the table making us jump. He then stormed out of the lunch room as other tables of people looked at him curiously. Charles got up running after him. Knowing he done messed up big time and now Sean would be mad at him for awhile.

I Never understood  why Sean kept it a secret. As his younger brother i always went along with it. I guess he never claimed me, nor ever saw me as his brother.

All eyes of other tables went back to what they were originally doing. The eyes at my table focused on me. I didn't know what to say,I looked back at everyone blanked faced. It's just Mila's eyes that caught my attention because she had the a look of disbelief,but most of all the emotion of being lied to;hurt.

"Andrew." She said finally . I couldn't respond so I just got up walking out of the lunch room.

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