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I have no song for this chapter. If you have any ideas for it after reading. Comment it.

Chapter 12
⭐Donna's P.O.V⭐

Mila called me this morning agreeing to have the sit down. Who would of thought Sean had such an influence on her. Hmmm I might have to use him more. I chuckle to myself because I'm such a genius. So after school I head to the coffee shop not to far from the school. I'm so glad Mila came to her senses. I walk into the coffee shop. From a distance I see a girl at a booth, her back was facing me. I was pretty sure it was Mila's long black hair. Also, I mean like how can you get her mixed up with all these other basic hoes. Not my Mila, I know it when I see her, cause she's one of a kind. I walk to the booth.

"Mila?" I mean I knew it was her, but I had to play stupid. I didn't want to seem like a stalker or something, right.

"Yeah, hey D." Wow she was beautiful and the way her hair flowed when she turned my way. She hasn't called me that in awhile. Which made smile back at her.

"I'm glad you decided to talk." I said taking a seat across from her inside the booth.

"Let's just say Sean can be relentless and convincing." She said slightly sipping some of her tea.

"I'm so thankful I ran into him because..." I started to say as I flipped through the menu.

"Speaking of which, what was that bullshit of a lie you told him about me kicking you out of a 'private shoot'?" She asked serious. Rude much Mila. I swear she wasn't always like this. She must've woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

"I had to get you here some how. I had to tell him something believable." I reversed.

"Oh yeah. Why didn't you tell him the truth. Why was you there any way." She snapped folding her arms.

"I didn't think to tell him all that and again I was there to try to talk to you."

"Bullshit." She shot back.

"I did." I exclaimed.

"Bullshit, bullshit!" Mila spoke angrily. Wow this was really going left and quick.

"The only bullshit there was, was Michael coming up there saying he love you." Her face went soft as she sunk back into her seat.

I don't understand why she's so mad. I f anything I saved her from that asshole if you ask me. He was in some serious shit that could of  ended bad for her.

"Sorry." She said sympathetic.

"Look, Michael was nothing but trouble, and you were my friend, so I tried doing something that would help you."

" I don't believe sleeping with him helped me in any kind of way." She snapped.

"Look Mila I apologize. I'm not here to make you forget about it and we become best friends." Lies, that's exactly what I was doing. "I just want us to at least try." I pleaded. Silence filled the air as Mila sat and thought.

"Look Mila If you don't...." I started, about to play the guilt card, but she cut me off. Now Mila you know I hate being cut off, but since I love you, I'll allow it. This one time.

"Fine." She said taking a breath, and I wanted to scream and shout, but than that'll blow my act. So I'll just play it off.

"Fine what?" I questioned. Although I already knew what she was talking about.

"We can TRY working on our friendship." She put emphasis on the try. I knew Mila missed me.

"Okay..." She cut me off again. I love her, but she really have to stop doing that.

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