The Visit

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Sean's P.O.V

I sigh as I take a look at the building.

"Cohan Sports Agency."

I turn around as I continue to sit in the car contemplating.

"Come on Sean." I whisper to myself.

I let out a deep breath before taking my keys out the ignition and grabbed my phone. Opening the car door I step out and close the door behind me. Walking into the building on the other hand was foreign to me unlike finding it. Considering the fact I drive past it a lot contemplating on visting. I can't believe I'm actually in here. Damn, the things that girl do to me. I walk to the receptionist desk, at this point to be honest I was nervous, but more anxious.

"How may I help you?" I was greeted by a white tan woman. Her dark brown hair was tied up in a messy bun. She had on an all-white blouse. She was pretty, her eyes most of all.

"Umm, I'm looking for Frank Cohan, he should be in today."

"Oh yes. He is top floor in his office."

"thanks." I say. Seemingly to want to keep talking to me she continued talking.

"I'll need a name and the reason of the meeting since it's unscheduled."

"Are you serious?" She looked at me confused. "You don't know who I am ma'am."

"Jennifer. And sorry no."

"Well Ms. Jennifer, I guess you don't know the man you work for either." I said with a grin.

"I umm..."

"Thanks, I'm pretty sure 'Frank' will be happy to see his son." Her mouth dropped open as I walked towards the elevators.

Getting in I watched the numbers go up until it stopped at 10. I walk out the elevator and I notice my foot pace slow down. The closer I got to the office the more I thought about doubling back. I could always hear Mila's sweet voice in the back of my head. Which was the only motivation I had besides my anger to go through with this. I stop at the two big brown wooded doors. It had gold handles and a gold plaque on the side that read 'Frank Cohan' in black.

"Come on Sean, can't get no worse than it already is." I took a deep breath before pushing open the doors. There stood the man I haven't spoke to for years. He was currently on a call of business looking out the window.

"Yeah Jim. Ah huh, okay. I see. Well set up a lunch for tomorrow so that way me and him can discuss this." He spoke through the phone as I walked in some more.

"Thanks Jim. We'll talk later. Alright later." He said ending the call.

"I see you're still busy as always ain't much change huh?" I spoke and he turned around shocked.

"Sean." He said amazed.

"In the flesh." I snickered.

"My have you grown into a handsome young man." He said grabbing me into a hug. At first I enjoyed the hug and I slowly hugged him back.

"I've missed you." As soon as he said that, anger came over me and pushed him off of me.

"You didn't miss me that much if your own staff doesn't know you have a son."

"Son what's wrong." He said looking at me utterly confused.

"Look Frank I didn't come here for no reunion.

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