Going Beverly hills

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Song: Weezer- Beverly hills
😁😂Funny story, so I love this song but I never knew the title or who sung it. So I was looking for a song that include Beverly hills. So I put Beverly hills in the. search box and I picked a song at random and it happened to be a song I love. Bol yeah I had to let that be known. Anyway continue reading this chapter while I go download that song.

Chapter 7

⭐Sean's P.O.V⭐

"So everything is here, Mila here's your last box and your car is parked in the garage." Andrew dropped the key to my bike along with other keys on one chain into my hand. As he handed Mila her set of keys to the condo.

"Thanks Andrew." She smiled at him and he smiled back at her. Something about them two was weird, but hey what do I know I'm just a skinny nigga with tattoos. I cleared my throat loud enough to stop them from oogling each other.

"Umm thanks Andrew for your help, I really appreciate it." I thanked him, but basically ushering him towards the door with my eyes. He rubs his hand across his head with a slight frustration before walking towards the door.

"Thanks again Andrew!" Mila shouted out before he closed the door behind him. " Wow, that was nice of him." She said turning to face me.

" Yeah Andrew's pretty nice."

"Yeah I know about that. Who would of thought you guys we're so close." She said shuffling some things around.

"I mean we're friends."

"Yeah Savannah and me are practically sisters and she wouldn't lift a finger to get me the remote." She began laughing, so did I. " So being friends go far, but not this far, you guys must be way closer than what I know about." She bent down to take some things out her box.

"Yep way closer." I sighed up under my breath as I wish I said that lower.

"Huh?" She asked not to sure of what exactly I said.

"Nothing, I said umm--- Sometimes he c-can be a buster." Great Sean, way to cover that up. Luckily she bought it.

"No way Andrew is the nicest  kid ever."

"You seem very fond of Andrew." I folded my arms doing a slight smirk.

"He's great plus me and him are just close that's all." She explained.

"I guess. But what's with all  the talk about Andrew, can we talk about something else? Or better yet not all." She giggled slightly as I walked up to her.

"Trying to make moves already huh?"

"Mhmm." I said leaning in and she swerved causing me to kiss the wall. Talk about diss.

"I know you didn't think it would be that easy." She said walking away slightly.

"Nope, but I imagined it going smoother." I chuckled lightly rubbing the back of my neck. She walked around.

"Whatcha say we start un-packing? She suggested. I chuckled. " What's so funny?"

"Your the only one who needs to unpack L.A." I said chuckling leaning against the wall.

"Well you can still help."

"I can help with a lot of thing, But unpacking isn't one. The only thing I take out of boxes is food or condoms." I Laugh to myself once I see that annoyed look on her face. She rolls her eyes at me shaking her head.

"You get on my nerves, you know that right."

"If you say so."

"Anyways, Where's my room so I can get started."

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