You're my friend right

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Song: Mariah Carey-obsessed
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Chapter 10
⭐Donna's P.O.V⭐

I watched as her and Savannah hugged each other.

"That's supposed to be me." I whispered to myself. I sighed. Why did Mila have to be so perfect. I looked at her in aww as she walked away from the dressing room. Looking from the outside in is saddening to me. I wish I was on the inside.

"Stalk much Donna." I turn around to find Michael. I mean he still looked good, but he's beneath me just like how he's beneath Mila.

"Shhh." I whisper shout.

"It's not like she can hear you." He said laughing a little. I turn around to him.

"What are you doing here in the first place." I questioned folding my arms.

"I was going to ask you the exact same question." He said smartly.

"Isn't obvious, but explain."

"I'm here to see Mila of course. I heard about the shoot and I thought I could catch her here, but that's clearly not going to happen with you here."

"Ya damn right." I snapped

"Why you acting so defensive, when she doesn't want nothing to do with you no more than she wants with me."

"If it wasn't for you, I would still be her best friend."

"Last time I checked it takes at least two people to have sex. Temptation is a bitch huh Donna." Michael exclaimed.

"Lower your voice." I snapped, I mean I don't understand why he's so mad.

"Who's going to hear. The wall, or maybe the pole. Ever heard of an outside voice. Maybe if you get out of that crazy little box you live in called your head maybe you'd know other things that doesn't retain to Mila." I looked around as I frowned at him and his rude thinking. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Anyway, I'm getting around her some, we had ice cream the other day. Of course with everyone else. Man, I wish it was just me and her, but it was still fun." I smiled and he just gave a disgusted look.

"Are you hearing yourself talk?"


"Your sick!" He spat out as if something he regurgitated.

"What are you talking about?"

"She didn't want you there, Toni did. The only reason you get as close as you do is because of Toni. You have to stop this crazy obsession!" He exclaimed making my blood boil, cause I was not obsessed with Mila.

"How dare you talk to me like that, last time I checked you was running to me for help." He tilted his head getting annoyed." Let's be clear, we had a deal."

"Something I wish I never did."

"Oh well, you did. If you don't keep up your end I will make sure I pay your homies again to come clean up the mess they should of did the first time."

"You wouldn't dare." He said harshly looking me in my eyes.

"You bet your sorry ass I would." I said seriously as his shoulders sagged and he wore a shocked expression, but mad at the same time.

"Why do you want me away from her, if your my 'friend', can't you see it's hurting me."

"Because she don't need you and her losing you helps me."

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