Leaving So Sudden

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Song: Eminem- cleaning out my closet
I choose this song to show how Sean feels on the inside. It's kinda Similar.

Chapter 5
⭐Sean's P.O.V⭐

"Come with me." I told her. We were leaving the ice cream parlor.

"Look I have to work in the morning..." She tried explaining

"You still have the rest of the day, don't you want to go looking for a condo or maybe you could come to my house and look some up." I suggested.

"I see what you're doing, but I'm not falling for it."

"Wait,huh?" I was totally confused. Man I swear I be spitting game without even realizing it.

"Just choose something,okay. And with a pool." She sounded tired, but excited about the last part.

"Are you sure.?"

"Just think of it as a head start and an advantage. I'm pretty sure you can find something Beverly Hills." She smiled.

"Mmmm, okay whatever you say L.A." I said walking up to her. I got closer, which was always funny because she had to look up to me. It was a six inch difference in our height. I chuckled slightly.

"Uh huh, you ain't slick." she said looking up at me then back down.

"What I do."I played oblivious to what I was doing. I stepped an inch closer slightly. She looked up at me , noticing we was closer. She decided to back up looking down as she did a light chuckle.

"Just pick me up from my house after I get off of work." She said backing up to her car.

"What time!"

"4!" She smiled then turned around to get in her car. I chuckled putting my head down as i watched her drive off. I swear this girl is something else.


"Who are these people and why are they taking things from out my house." My mom exclaimed.I was ignoring her because I really didn't care to hear her pretend care about me and my choices.

"Here Andrew this is it and the rest, I'll put in my car. Make sure to get my bike then head to Mila's."

"Alright bro." Andrew spoke slightly as he walked out the room. He didn't argue against it because he knew I was moving out officially and he knew my reason why.

"Are you going to explain?" My mom Questioned me.

"Please just move out of my way." I said annoyed brushing past her walking down the stairs.

"Why are you leaving? Why are you packing our stuff? So your just not going to respond and leave me on my own." She ranted angrily following me into the living room as I grabbed more stuff. "ANSWER ME!" She yelled frustrated. I sat my stuff down in a stack as I stood back up to face her. I took a breath.

"Like you care. Besides you'll have your Andrew here. Although you treat him like crap too." I said that last part up under my breath, but said the rest broad.

"Excuse me. I do Care! Cared enough to not abort your disrespectful ass when i wanted to. I carried you for nine months and watched it divide me and your father apart!' She exclaimed shaking her head.

"See that's all you care about 'mom'!" I said putting quotes up with my fingers." You don't give a damn about me. It's only Frank this and Frank that and oh Sean your rapping gives shame to the name Cohan."

"You watch the way you talk to me."

"You don't care about me and my accomplishments. Hell you da one who put me in my career and you still try to make me do sports. Talking about, oh please do it, it'll help you, plus get you closer to your father. Knowing that man loves nobody, but himself!" My eyes started to cry, but nothing came out so I'm pretty sure they were bloodshot red.

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