What Happened To Brotherly Love

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Song: Michael Jackson The Girl Is Mine

Hey guys I'm back with another update. Choose this song because well you'll see😉. Plus I love me some Mj this is one of my favorite songs by him💚. Now continue with the chapter May he R.I Paradise🙏.

Chapter 16
Sean's P.O.V⭐

"Swish! I told you , you didn't have nothing for klay!" I shouted .
"Yeah,yeah,yeah. He ain't all that, kyrie still better." Charles said prideful.
" You wish, he can't even beat him out in real life let along in your hands. "I commented still clowning him.

We decided to hang out at Charles to play PS4. At the moment I'm kicking his ass in 2k. This nigga really thought Kyrie Irving is better than Klay Thompson. Ha he really funny. He didn't agree with me, but I do know someone who would;Mila. She loves Golden state just like me, but instead she likes Steph curry. Damn I can never get her off my mind, even when it comes to sports. Sean my bro, you officially got issues. Andrew hasn't come yet, I don't know what's holding him up,but he's missing bro time, and especially missing this ass whooping I'm giving Charles.

" and that's game my nigga. " I said laughing.
"Man I want a rematch."
" Yeah, so you can go get your punk ass clippers. " I joked a clicked his teeth.
"Look,the clippers raw."
"In what generation." I started laughing again.
"Alright,your taking it there.Time to whoop dat ass in madden." We bust out laughing as he changed the games I sat back in my chair.
"Since your up you can get the champ another soda." I kicked my feet up with a smirk.
"Nigga get your own shit, I ain't your bitch."
" Ewww nigga you ain't my type,plus i am your company. "
"Man whatever." He said walking out the room to grab more snacks and drinks. Soon as he walked out Andrew walked in.
"Hey wassup bro,where you been?" I said sitting up.
"Don't wassup me." He said angry , wow what's wrong with him.
"Whoa man what's wrong with you,if your still upset about grandma I completely..."
" This ain't got shut to do with that. " I stood up cautiously.
" Yoo, if we got to fuck some niggas up. " I suggested. He let out a faint laugh shaking his head.
"Don't act brotherly now." Getting fed up with the guessing game and this bullshit.
"You got an agenda obviously,so speak your Damn mind." I said folding my arms.
"What's your intentions with Mila?" I do a faint laugh as is look to the side and back at him.
"Your bullshitting right." I chuckled .
"Do it look like I'm bullshitting?" He said mad. I don't know what his problem is,but he don't want it to be me.
"We have a bet,and if I'm not mistaken you agreed to. Look the objective is just to fuck, but I'm..."
"Something I wish I never did." I heard him say under his breath.
"Look bro it's not that serious..."
"It is that serious when it's an innocent girl's heart about to be broken!"
" last time I check she was playing niggas left to right, so what if I play her it doesn't matter...! "
"It matters to me! I love that girl not you!" I was stunned by what I heard.
"So that's why you kept me away from her."
" Damn right. "
"Well you obviously ain't loving as much as you say because you don't have her."
" oh please, we dated multiple times.. "
"And you still don't have her!  And you never will! She's mine!" I said losing it.

Andrew pushed me hard to the ground with all his strength. I looked at him in utter disbelief. That's when anger took over me and I charged at him knocking us both into the living room. I punched him left to right twice before he flipped me over taking his blows. We was having a big brawl.

"I can't believe.. You'll hit your blood over a girl." I said holding his wrist from hitting me.
"She's not just some girl." He grunted out, his hand slipping out my grasp hitting me in my face. I tossed him over punching him wherever I could until i noticed he was barely defending himself and Charles grabbed me.
" what the hell! " Charles yelled pushing me away as Ryan grabbed a hold of me why Charles helped Andrew up. "He's your little brother!"
" He ain't no brother of mines! " I yelled.
"Mom's was right, your just a spoiled brat who thinks everything belongs to Sean!"
We both breathing hard chest still heaving. "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even know Mila!"
"I wish you wasn't born!" I yelled and he got a look of sadness and anger.
"So this is what this about? Mila!" Charles yelled as I calmed down some. "Y'all supposed to be brothers,blood is thicker than water."
" He started it. " I said sitting down in the arm chair wiping my nose.
"I don't give a damn,cause by the looks of it, you was trying to finish it."
" I'm not the nigga to put your hands on. "
"But your missing the..."
"Don't sorry about it Charles he ain't no brother of mine. Fuck off."
"The edge of my dick." I snickered .
"Punk." He said walking out.
"Buster." I said before he closed the door. Charles shook his head at me.
"Well that went good." Charles sighed.I nodded my head.
"Ow! Ma damn." I yelled.
"So are you going to tell me what happened or not." Mila said putting her hands on her hips.
"Me and Andrew got into it." I said as she continued to clean my face.
"Andrew Andrew,nah kid is way to nice."
" Yes Andrew. " I said as she put a butterfly band aid on my eye area;a little by my eyebrow.
"I can't believe this,what for?" She rubbed her finger on on my lil and touched the bruised area.
"Apparently the kid is in love with you." I grabbed her hand putting it down walking off.
"But that's not a good reason for fighting." She said following me.
"Well for him it was." I said avoiding my reason. I leaned against the kitchen counter.
"What was your reason?" I was quiet for a minute. I didn't know how to answer.
"Look Sean i know your wondering about the other day. Well I'm not trying to get you all mixed up and I'm sorry for giving you mixed signals. I also didn't think you'd be fighting over me though."
" wow your good. " I chuckled.
"What are you talking about Sean?"
" I thought you couldn't play me and here you are doing it again. You even know the let em down easy lines. " she looked at me confused.
"Sean I'm being sincere."
"Well don't, I don't need another person pretending to care about me." I said grabbing my keys to leave.
"Sean wait." I just walked out the door.
"Sean!" I heard her call, but i just left.

~Later that Night ~

When I got back home,it was at least one something in the morning. Mila was sitting on the couch watching tv. I basically threw my keys on the counter and walked straight to the room. I took off my white sweatshirt hanging it up in the closet and I put my necklace on the dresser. I took my Jordan 4's off and put them in the closet too. Our closet was huge, one side was nine and the rest Mila. We both had a huge shoe collection. I sighed taking my shirt off turning the lights off. I get into bed laying on my back as I just  look at the ceiling thinking about everything that happened. I wasn't mad at Mila. She was only playing the game. It's just how can she not see what I see. Even if I did play the game. It's kinda pointless, I would be just fucking in a different way. What's 4gs to a nigga like me. What made me mad was, I let her explore me and she basically said it didn't matter. Man I thought this girl was different. I guess once a player always a player huh. Damn man, the one time; now i feel like all the females i played. I was getting played like a PS4. What's wrong with you Sean, get it together.

"Ugghhh." I said getting frustrated "what you gon do sean?" I whisper to myself.

I look at the ceiling some more as I hear the door open. Only person it could be was Mila,so I pretended to be sleep. My plan is to stay away from her so we both come out winners. I felt her get in the bed, usually she'll get under the covers,but I guess since i was on top of them on my side she decided to do the same. I got an instant scent of vanilla when she played down. She was wearing some boy shorts,white crop top with some white socks the same color. Yes I can see in the dark and a little light came through the room from a street light outside the window. I felt her roll over putting her leg on me hugging the side of me her head on my chest as she slid her hand up and down my bare chest.

"I know you're not sleep." She whispered and to be honest it was sexy as fuck. I just continued to play sleep.
"Your still mad at me?" She bit me on the neck gently as she sucked that same spot before kissing it.
"No." I grunted out . Damn Sean when did you get so weak.
" I thought so. " I smacked her ass before grabbing it.
"You gon stop shit talking me like you own this..."
" I could if I wanted to. " Damn she's so right. Fuck Sean get it together.
"You sound like you trying to."
" Sean. "
"Yes ma."
"Go to bed."
" No,unless I get a kiss. " She then kissed me on my chest and layed back down on it.
"You didn't say where, goodnight Sean." I chuckled .
"Goodnight,babe." Damn Sean did you just say that

What happened to brotherly love. Blood was always posed to be stronger than water but there's always something that comes and test the bond shared between brothers. It's always up to the pair to see if the statement blood is
thicker than water is really true

A lot of bomb drops this chapter😋 and untied ends hope y'all caught em all, but anyway more updates coming soon😊

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