Gotta start some where

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Song- Plies: please excuse my hands

Choose this song for no reason at all lml😂only because Sean said something in the chapter that was from this song😁👍

Chapter 8

⭐Sean's P.O.V⭐

"Omg. No way!" She gasped out. I big sigh came from me as I started walking towards the room.

"Damn it Andrew." I cursed up under my breath.

"This is so cool." She exaggerated, which I took as sarcasm.

"I know, go ahead and pick on me all you...." My eyes grew big with shock and amazement I couldn't believe what my eyes we're seeing.

"Pick on you, yeah right.  Not to many people have studios in their houses."

"Wait.. how did he...."

" Forget that, this is awesome. I knew you rap, but I didn't know you did all this."

"I didn't either." I said in a daze.

I mean I know how to work all of this, but I'm just wondering how he did all this. She walked into the recording booth and I could still see her on this side through the thick glass that separated both areas. I pushed up the switch that controlled the volume for me to be able to hear her. She puts the Beats headphones on as she speaks into the mic.

" Can you hear me?" I chuckle slightly.

" Daaaa of course." She gave me a thumbs up.

"You got any songs yet?'

"Not necessarily, but soon. Very soon." I mumbled the last part under my breath. I pulled the switch back down. She opened the door and closed it behind her.

"Do you sing?" I decided to ask.

"A little, but modeling is all I know." She rolled her eyes. I sat down in the rolling chair.

"You never thought of doing it as a career." I could read people very well, especially her now and that's why I kept pressing the question because I figure there's something there.

"Plenty of times, just never was an option for me."

"How so." She sighed." Come on tell Zaddy Sean. Come sit on the greatest lap in Beverly Hills I promise it offers the best comfort."

"Really." She said looking at me crazily, but with a smirk.

"Come on, I'm a nice guy." I prepared myself to not get to turned on and told my friend to just chill. She walked over to me and sat down on my lap. I kept my hands on the arms of the chair to keep control of my hands. They have a mind of their own.

"Well my mom never let it be an option, she kept me in fashion and modeling. Sorta how I met Savannah." I put my arm around her waist she looked down. Damn body, always got I mind of it's own. She didn't say anything though.

"So that's how ya'll are so close." She leaned on my shoulder, so I moved my hand up to her arm rubbing it up and down soothingly.

"Savannah had to be the only thing I enjoyed and still is about modeling. I mean all the trophies and medals don't even really matter. It doesn't feel like I won ya know cause It's not something I want to accomplish."

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