All that Matters

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Sean's P.O.V

"Open the door." I said as Savannah unlocked her car. Andrew opened the door as I put Mila in the backseat with Savannah. I hopped in the front seat and started the car up.

"I'll follow behind you." Andrew said taking my car.

"Alright." I rambled out quickly. Pulling out of the driveway, almost everybody was outside watching.

"By the looks of it the closest hospital is 20 minutes away." Tony spoke from the passenger seat. Savannah was in the back worried sick.

"Let's make it 10, I suggest seatbelts." I said determined. Tony instantly braced herself as I increased the speed of the car.

I know people might think I'm crazy because I didn't call the ambulance. But do you know how many people would have been arrested. For some reason you can't get the ambulance by itself, the cops come too. All of the illegal substance in there, I would never live to see my future career, same for everyone.

I was swerving through the cars driving like a mad man. Tony was looking at me insane. I wouldn't be surprised if we wrecked with all these near misses. I'm just a skilled driver, so I think we're good for the most part. Three minutes later we arrive at the emergency room.

"You can breath now, we're here." I say calmly to Tony. I get out of the car and she looks at me crazily noticing I wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

I grab Mila, picking her up gently, holding her close to me. Walking up to the entrance we ran into two paramedics who almost instantly ran towards us grabbing a stretcher on the way. I lay her down on the stretcher.

"What happened?" One paramedic asked.

"I don't know she just passed out." Savanah said shakily. We followed them in.


"17." I answered.


"Dominican, Native Japanese, Spanish, African American."

"Is she currently taking any meds or vitamins?"

"Vitamins for low iron."

"Any allergies?"

"Morphine, Peanuts." I answered all the questions. It seemed I knew more about her than her own friends.

"Where did this incident happen?"

"A friendly get together in west L.A." They were now pushing the stretcher into the room as they spoke with doctors.

"Thanks sir, we'll get to you as soon as possible after we run some tests, but you must wait in the..."

"Thanks doc." I said calmly as he walked back in the room shutting the door behind him.

I walk back to the waiting room as I pray to myself for help and hope that Mila will be okay. I take a deep breath and took a second to calm myself down. I was beyond worried and scared. I just pray god don't take her away. I walk back into the waiting room and almost as if queued Savannah runs up to me along with Toni.

"Is she okay?" Was the first question spilled from their mouth.

"The doctors said they're going to run some tests and they'll get back to us as soon as possible." I explained.

"That's not good enough!" Savannah yelled with tears. Tony went to sit down. I pulled Savannah into a hug and rubbed her head.

"Everything will be okay Savannah, the test will be raned and she will be fine. The doctors will make sure of it. She'll be up and we all will be talking and laughing." I spoke softly to her as she cried. I was always taught to think positive in bad situations and help others not to think of the worst.

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