these thoughts of mine

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Song: Amerie- Why don't we fall in love

Hi guys I know it's been awhile, but I finally got over the fact that nobody was COMMENTING and decided to update because people are viewing. So I appreciate my loyal viewers Lol. Here's the update I've been promising for month.

Chapter 13

⭐Mila's P.O.V.⭐

"What are you willing to do, oh yeah, tell me what you're willing to do. Kiss it kiss it better baby." I was listening to music as I did my notes. English 4 honors was a pretty easy class. I never struggled in English. So usually I put headphones in and copy the unnecessary notes. For the first time in a long time I fell asleep in class. I guess I didn't get to much sleep last night. I mean all I could think about was Michael and Donna and for some odd reason Sean wasn't in the bed with me. So I was wondering where he slept last night. Probably at some random girl's house. Wait I sound so jealous right now. I could see his face kissing another female. Trey songz 'playin hard'. Maybe I was tired of playing hard. It's been a couple of weeks. I don't think so, but him kissing this girl made me mad as hell. Before I could get even more mad tI realized it was me he was kissing.

"Sean!" I jumped up out my sleep. Why I screamed his name because it felt so real and I thought he was here. Well my face went soft once I saw laughter and no Sean.

"Ms. Martinez, is everything alright?" Mrs. Hill questioned, dropping her glasses to her nose to get a better look at me.

"Yes." I answered and Tia looked at me questioningly, but didn't say nothing. I sighed once everyone's eyes was off me.

"Alright, so why do you think Shakespeare wrote that in the book."

"Ugghh I hate Shakespeare." I whisper to Tia.

"Don't Shakespeare me, why did you got to sleep. You know she docks points and what's up with your outbursts. Sean hittin it that good huh. Wow this bet went quicker than I thought." She joked continuing to write down what was on the board.

"Yeah right and if he was wouldn't you know."

"What ya mean?"

"Sean told me bout the cameras." Tia burst into laughter.

"Ms. Jackson, what's so funny about Shakespeare?"

"Sorry Mrs. Hill." Mrs. Hill looked back at the board and continued to teach her lesson.

"What cameras, there are no cameras in ya'll house."

"Why would he lie to me about that?"

"I have no idea, let's just focus and talk about that later." She chuckled again. I put my headphones back in and sighed as my thoughts went back to being on Sean.\


So Usually in calculas I have Sean in this class, but he wasn't here. Like i said before i haven't seen Sean. Now i know he wasn't even in school. I was on my way to gym along with Savannah.

"Who pissed in your cornflakes." She joked.

"Sean's dissappearance." I said calmly basically dragging myself down the hall.

"Either i did your braids to tight or you just complained about NOT seeing Sean. And stop doing that your going to ditry them." She exclaimed. Savannah hated when peope treated their new shoes like crap, it was a pet peeve of her's.

"Relax they're just vans, i can buy some more." I pleaded.

"My point, you shouldn't have to dirty them up just cause you can buy some more, that's a waste." She complained as we walked into the locker room. I swear i hate getting her started cause she just go on and on and on. I headed to my gym locker row. I sat my book bag down on the bench.

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