The boy with the tattoos

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Couldn't think of a song for chapter Bol😁. Not really an authors not so read along

Chapter 9
⭐Mila's P.O.V⭐

Waking up this morning felt weird for multiple reasons. One a new bed, two new room, 3 new surroundings, 4 not use to this place at all, and five waking up next to someone. Being the only child I never slept in another bed with anyone. My parents wasn't the sleepover types. To come to think of it I never even slept in the same bed as my parents. I wasn't one of those kids who thought the monsters were coming to get me and was up under my bed. Anyway that's bedside the point. He was snuggled up against the back of me with his arm around my waist. I could feel his breath against my neck each time he breathed out. I lift the cover up to get out of bed. I moved slowly so I wouldn't wake him up.

He wasn't wearing a shirt so I looked to see if that's what drove females crazy. I hardly doubt that's it because he didn't really have a body. He was skinny, but not boney ya know a little muscle. Just not ripped, but slightly cut up. If he exercised a little more than he do now he would be fine as hell, but he still look good. oh, god did I really just say that. I looked closer as I notice something I never noticed before. This show how much I don't pay attention to him. He was covered in tattoos. I was rubbed my eyes making sure that's exactly what I saw and it was.

How can a kid out of Beverly Hills have so many tattoos like he's from Compton. I swear there were so many things I didn't know about this kid, but I do plan to find out in these three months. Even if that means going against my original plan.

"They're tattoos. Coming from the hood I thought you would've seen them before." I heard a sleepy voice say on the side of me. I felt him shift onto his back as he yawned. I chuckled lightly.

"Yeah just not on a kid out of Beverly Hills." I joked. He grabbed my hand as I turned towards him, he wasn't smiling.

"Usually I would of fucked the shit out of a girl who diss me so much to teach her ass a lesson. Not saying I don't want to do the same to you, but that'll be forcing myself on you. Besides Mila that wouldn't mean anything to my tattoos."

"What are you talking about Beverly Hills." I laughed rolling my eyes looking back at him. His facial expression never changed.

"Look Mila, I'm more than what meets the eye, there's a lot you don't know about me. There's a reason I have so many tattoos and not just because I was in my delinquent days, but deeper reasons. And when your ready to get to know the real me, I'll explain." With that, he got up and went to the bathroom. I laid back down on the bed as I sighed. Letting my thoughts roam to the many possibilities. The real him, huh so what exactly is this kid.
"So how did your first night go." Savannah asked. We we're getting our make-up done at the moment for this photoshoot.

They was doing the cover for Ms. California. I was so proud of Savannah, she would be representing Cali in the Ms. USA pageant. I was the runner up of course and that's why I'm sitting here now, besides being a supportive friend of course. I remember when we was waiting for the results she told me:

"I don't care which one of us win as long as it's not anybody else."

Having me as runner up made her ecstatic. Well our friendship kinda blew up and this particular magazine were fond of it so they're doing a cover and a story not just on Ms. California, but and I quote "Losing to your bestfriend isn't all that bad." I didn't mind losing because this is something Savannah really wanted to accomplish, not me. So if I would've won, I would feel like I took her dream from her. So back to the question she asked, it was awkward living with a guy I clearly knew nothing about.

"It was straight, weird, but okay I guess."

"The sex was that bad!" She shouted turning towards me in her chair.

"What no! That's not ever gonna happen."

"Well why the hell not." She exaggerated.

"Because I barely know him amongst other things."

"Okay and your point is." I sighed. "I thought that was the whole purpose of this bet, ya know to play him. How can you do that without tricking him into sex than brushing him off." She explained grabbing my shoulders.

"I don't necessarily need to pull that card to play him, but I guess. I was just going to avoid that until the three months go by that way we can both walk away winners."

"What's the fun in that. That just makes this bet purposeless."

"Is that even the right word to use." I questioned smartly folding my arms.

"Yes, and besides Sean's filthy rich, 2gs ain't shit to him ever thought about that."

"Nope not really." I lied, I have thought about that multiple times. I began to look down.

"Oh no Mila, uh huh, not again, I know that look." Savannah said grabbing me again.

"What." I drugged out, avoiding eye contact.

"Your not, no way."

"What, doing what." I said still avoiding eye contact. She realized that I was avoiding her eyes. She gripped my chin and turned my face looking me in the eyes. Which felt like I was a child because her long finger nails began to  pierce my skin the longer she held it. When she read enough to conclude her statement she let go.

"You can't!" She said choked up like she was holding back tears. Which indeed she was cause one tear slipped from her taking a stroll down her cheek.

"I know I know, but I don't even know if that's a good thing cause like I said before I don't..."

"I can't watch you go through this again, I still feel like Michael was my fault, I should of protected you like I do for myself."

"It's not your fault Vannah." I said grasping her into a long hug.

"I know, I just don't want Sean to be another one or anybody that is to do the same. Two of the same thing is never good unless it's shoes." She joked wiping some of her tears. I then heard the snap of a camera. We turned to the photographer.

"Not to intrude, but this was a wonderful moment to capture ya'll  friendship."

"It's fine." I spoke smiling.

"It's not like we're going to kill you for taking our picture when that's what you're supposed to do. I mean that is what we're here for right." We laughed a little, so did the photographer.

"Alright, I'll give you ladies five."

"No, we're ready we'll be over in just a second." I said grabbing Savannah's hand as the photographer walked away.

"Let's do this sis." Savannah said enthusiastic.

"You bet." I smiled back at her.

So they're you have it chapter nine. I was supposed to post it the other day, but I got busy and ran of time before my bed was calling me and my brain shut down. Each time I post a chapter, I write a chapter.

Please share this book and add it to your reading list if your reading it, thanks in advance.

So what exactly was Savannah sure of and why did she get so emotional, hmm? Well continue reading and you'll soon find out. Update coming at you very soon.

Don't be silent comment and vote and share, share, share, please and thank you.

Aren't Savannah and Mila bestfriend goals!!!

Welp, until next time amigos.

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