Dealt cards and Depths

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Mila's P.O.V

"Mila I know you rather have a burger, but the doctor said you should stay away from foods that are..." Sean tried to plead.

"No, I don't want it!" Right now I'm just being a brat cause it's so cute how fluster he gets trying to please me and make me happy.

"Mila please." He said trying to get me to eat my soup. He seemed exhausted by the bags up under his eyes and his constant sighing.

"Fine." I said with a smile as I ate some and he sighed. I laughed a little.

"What's funny?" He asked. I put my spoon down and bust out into laughter.

"Mila" He drugged out with a groan. He walked away and I got up to follow him.

"Sean wait up." I jogged down the hall and into the room. He was laying down hands up under his head staring at the wall. His thinking position; now I know something's wrong.

"What's wrong Sean?" I questioned curiously.

"Nothing." He said coldly.

"Okay, walking off and saying nothing ain't gonna get me to believe there's nothing wrong with you." I say sternly and he just sighs as he continues doing what he's doing.

"Cool 10-4." I said putting my hands up in surrender dropping them against my legs. I start to walk down the hall.

"Mila wait!" he yelled getting up.

"No it's cool."

"Mila?" He said grabbing a hold of my wrist turning me to look at him. " I just got a lot on my brain alright." I snatched my arm away and walked to the other side of the counter as he sat on the stool across.

"I don't care Sean, you usually tell me anything, so what's the difference now."

"I just can't." He said shaking his head.

"What do you mean you can't if something is bothering you this much why can't you just..."

"I can't Mila!" He yelled and I was taken aback and shocked, it kind of hurt. "Only cause I can't explain it." He said turning to look at me. My shoulders sagged in sympathy as I leaned on the counter.

"Well if you can't tell me the top thing bothering you tell me the second." I said calmly. He sighed.

"My mom called."

"Okay shouldn't that be a good thing." I asked confused.

"She calls me a month and a half later after the argument and it wasn't even to see if I was okay." He lets out harshly.

"What was it for then?"

"Frank." He let out the word in disgust as he got up.

"Sean." I call out as he paced.

"All she cares about is Frank. I'm actually thinking she miss me or wants to talk. All she says is me and your, 'Father' are back together aren't you glad son. Because I love my mom I say yeah mom and she goes on to talk about him OH how he's changed and how he's moving in! She goes hey Sean how about you work on your relationship once he gets in LA! I don't want to fix SHIT! You can't come in my life 18 years later and whisk my mom away! We'll never be a family! He ain't my dad! He never did shit for me! Where were you , No WHERE! You don't get father of the year when you're up in Pari with a WHITE woman! I can't even get a straight up story on how my goddamn brother got here!" Sean yelled at the top of his lungs. He threw his arm and punched a hole in the wall throwing a glass as I flinched terrified by his actions. "Fuck You!" He Yelled Voice kind of choked up going hoarse.

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