Comforting Inn

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Song: Jhene Aiko- comfort inn ending.
I love this song Bol and I chose it because it kinda relate but most of all it's the name of the chapter. Don't worry Mila won't be keying anybody's car.

Chapter 11
Mila's P.O.V

"Well that's just great." I speak out.

"What happened." Savannah asked.

"Sean had an errand  to run so it looks like I'm catching a ride with you." I knew ha wasn't going to be on time.

"You make it sound bad, like I got a disease or something." Savannah spoke slightly offended.

"Not even the case, where we stay is out of your way."

"What do you mean."

"Oh I never told you." I said leaning on one leg folding my arms.

"Told me what?" She asked arching her eyebrow.

"Sean has me living in Beverly Hills." Savannah bust into laughter.

"Your kidding right?"


"He probably did that so you could stop calling him Beverly Hills." She laughed.

"Hahaha, I'm glad you find it funny." I snickered rolling my eyes.

"Or maybe he just want to show you him and get some of that hood out of you." Maybe she was right. " Or even have you to himself away from everybody."

"If you say so."

"Look how you sounded about him not coming to get you. You sounded disappointed."

"No just that....umm."

"Mhmm, my point."

"Okay, whatever."

"I say just give him some head in that pool that you told me about. And give him some of the ill na na." It was a nice pool I began to think. Wait, not for that though.

"Eww, no Vannah."

"I'm joking, now to get in, let's go." I got in her car which was a Toyota Camry 2015. It was very nice inside and out.

 It was very nice inside and out

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"Thanks Vannah."

"No problem girl."  She said right before I closed the car door.

I walked in to no sign of Sean. So I decided to relax. Turning on the tv I began to watch one of my favorite shows; SpongeBob. Yes I know sounds childish, but I love it. It was the one when SpongeBob and Patrick dug up under Squidward's house. I was laughing loudly when Sean had walked in, placing his keys on the kitchen counter.

"Must be hella funny." He snickered.

"Not as funny as you forgetting to come get me." I snapped back. He didn't forget he just told me he wasn't going to be able to because he had to run an errand which is kinda like forgetting because you made a plan over what you was originally doing.

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