chapter 1

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Finn Hudson had everything at the age of 28 years old. The ownership of Burt's tire shop business, which became very successful, spreading different lines throughout the country. The amazingly beautiful penthouse on the Upper East Side with the amazing view. The awesome parties that he attended at various clubs throughout New York City, with his two main men at his side, Sam Evans and Noah Puckerman, "Puck". Last but not least, Finn treasured his good looks. He was often hit on by young women in bars. Once he was even considered one of New York City's most eligible bachelors, which he used to his advantage. He loved the many chains on one night stands he had when he had gotten completely wasted every now and then at the local club or bar.

So, when Finn Hudson woke up early Monday morning, he wasn't surprised when his room smelled like whiskey and vodka and that there was an unfamiliar blonde girl sleeping on the side of him in his bed. He also wasn't surprised when he was wearing nothing but boxers.

Throwing on a pair of pajama shorts, Finn quickly tiptoed out of his room to avoid making contact with the girl if she were to wake up any time soon. Going to the bathroom on the other side of the house, Finn grabbed his phone off the counter of the kitchen and dialed Sam's number.

"Hello." Sam answered, sounding groggy. Which, was reasonable since it was 6:15 in the morning, but to be fair, it was a Monday and they both had work. Since Finn ran the company he worked at, he really didn't have a normal time to go into work, but he liked to go in early each day because it gave him something to do instead of sit home all day. So, since he wasn't going to be getting in early today, he had to find a way to get this girl out of his apartment.

"Hey man, it's me. Look, I really need your help with something." Finn answered, pacing back and forth in the bathroom.

"What's up?" Sam asked.

"Remember how crazy that party was last night? Anyways, I think I stayed a little later than the two of you and I got a little out of hand with the drinking. There's some girl in my bed right now and I have no idea what to do... She's gonna wake up any minute now and I can't be alone with her. It'll be very awkward. Can you please come over so she can rush out? It works on all of the other girls when Puck does it." Finn explained.

"Sorry man. No can do. Quinn needs help with the baby. Last night she got pretty sick and she can't be around her. I wish I could help man. Maybe Puck can." Sam answered back.

"That's okay, man. I understand. Hope Q feels better." he replied.

"Thanks. Talk to you later." Sam said before he hung up.

Calling Puck's phone, it took three rings until he heard another groggy "hello" through the phone.

"Hey, man. Look I've got some blonde chick in my apartment and I want to get her to leave. Can you please come over and make some excuse for me to leave so it's not awkward?" he asked, hoping that Puck would give in unlike Sam.

"Can't. Last night I brought home twins. We're probably gonna keep going when they wake up. I really need to be around for that." Puck answered with pride.

"Okay. Thanks for the details man, really needed them." Finn said in a sarcastic voice.

"Look man, I'll talk to you later. I think they're waking up." Puck whispered right before he hung up.

After that Finn felt hopeless. There was no one else that he could confide in. He was just going to have to face the situation that his drunk self pulled him into. That's when it came to his brain. He knew exactly who to call. He even gave himself a mental slap across the face for not calling them first, since they were as close to each other as siblings would be close to their other siblings and they told each other everything. He just hoped that she would answer.

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