chapter 27

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"We have a small problem." Rachel's made up face dropped.

"What do you mean 'we have a problem'?" Rachel asked with panic rising in her voice.

"Jessie St. Jerkoff is walking around, asking people if they know where you are." Santana informed her slowly, trying to play it off as though it weren't such a big deal. But it was exactly the opposite. "Also, the pastor called and he kind of can't make it; his wife went into labor." She added in before Rachel could get any angrier.

"Okay, I won't freak out." Rachel told herself, fanning her face and trying to keep the amount of stress that she was already feeling from rising to enormous levels. "My ass of an ex-boyfriend is present at my wedding and is walking around looking for me, and there's no pastor." She stated, "No big deal. We'll find a way around it, okay? We always do." She assured Santana, whom looked like she was freaking out just as much as she was. Maybe even more seeing as the wedding that she wanted to be planned perfectly was going awry.

"Also, the flowers that I ordered to put in the church around the altar never came in yet." Santana added as well, forgetting about it in the beginning.

"Santana, if there are any other problems you might want to tell me now before I go off the rails!" Rachel exclaimed, her voice being a bit shaky.

"One more." she hesitantly answered Rachel as she looked down at her buzzing phone. "The photographer just canceled."

"Okay, everything's going to be fine. Today is going to be perfect and nothing is going to change that. Everything is going to be okay. We'll find a way. We always find a way." She paced back and forth, holding one hand on her hip and the other on her forehead.

"You really think so?" Santana asked, following her with a worried expression. "Wow, you're taking this better than I expected."

"Of course I'm not okay with this, Santana! It's enough that I already have to deal with Jacob Ben Israel attending my wedding, and now this?" She exclaimed plopping down on the bench in front of the vanity. "My wedding day is ruined." She disappointedly admitted to herself. Placing her face in her hands, she felt Santana wrap her into a hug.

"Hey, don't cry, you'll mess up your makeup." Santana scolded. "Look at me. Your wedding day is far from being ruined. Yes, there might be some complications, but let me remind you of what you told me just the other day. You said it didn't matter where or how your wedding was set up. All that mattered to you was that you were going to be making the next step in your life with Finn." Santana reminded her.

"You're right." Rachel told her, wiping under eyes, where loose tears seemed to be held.

"I mean, I haven't talked to Puck in a while, but I'm pretty sure that Finn didn't go anywhere in the few minutes that I was away. Now, dry up those tears before we have to call Suzy back here, who's probably getting ready for your wedding right now, with her so very memorable husband." Santana added in with a chuckle, causing Rachel to join in. After taking a few seconds to calm down and catch her breath, Rachel watched as Santana stood up.

"Okay, we're going to have to go into plan b. Brittany and Quinn, you two will explain everything to the guests sitting in the church. If they ask questions, just tell them that we're working really hard on it. Rachel, you're going to stay exactly where you are and don't worry a single bit. And me, I'm going to go figure this entire situation out. All I have to say is that there's a lot of yelling in Spanish that is about to be done on this thing." She said, pointing to her phone.

After everything was said, the three girls left the room, leaving Rachel by herself once again. Walking over to the window, Rachel smiled at the big beautiful sky above. The gardens surrounding the area were absolutely beautiful. The flowers were bloomed to perfection; flowers of all different colors and sizes. The long concrete pathways around it made it even more beautiful. It was all topped off with a large fountain in the middle, surrounded by little benches. She knew with all her heart that she had made an amazing decision when she chose this location. At least one thing was going right today. She then got an idea.

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