chapter 29

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"Oh my gosh!" Rachel could not believe the sight in front of her.

"Surprise!" Finn exclaimed. Standing in front of them was a very familiar looking brick house.

It was just as huge as Rachel remembered. Even in the dark, it looked as magical as Rachel swore it once was before. She still stood on her estimate. This house had to be at least three stories tall. Just when she thought she was head over heels, he stepped in and proved to her that she could fall deeper.

The house, or castle as she once called it, from that little bus ride one day was towering over them. The same castle that caused Rachel to do a double take the first time it came into her view all of those years ago. She couldn't believe that after all of this time, Finn remembered.

She was absolutely speechless. It hadn't changed a bit, which in hand made her even more amazed. She hadn't thought of this place in ages. She just always assumed that it would've been knocked down sooner or later to make way for a more modern house.

Amazement failed to leave her as the young voices from the first time she saw this house filled her mind.

"Ouch! What do you want, Rachel?" Finn asked out of annoyance. She had just smacked him on the shoulder multiple times at a very quick pace.

"Look at that house!"

"Wow…" Even though the house was slowly getting away from their view, Finn's amazed expression was still very present in her memory.

"Someday when I get older, I'm gonna live there. My boyfriend is gonna live there with me and we're gonna be like a prince and princess." She missed the huge imagination and optimism that used to run through her mind.

"No, Taylor and I are gonna live there after we get married." This made her laugh out loud. Finn flashed a curious look at her sudden outburst.

"What? No way! I saw it first and she doesn't even like you."

The rest of that conversation didn't matter to her right now. It eventually led to one of their many childhood fights. But, that was the first big time that Rachel actually considered her future; even if it was a huge figure of her childhood imagination. Seeing the big house currently in front of them was the first time she actually dreamed of her future. As she got older, she eventually learned to make new, better, and bigger dreams. But standing here right now in its presence once more, she felt just like that little girl watching it pass from the bus's window. Finn had no idea how much this meant to her.

After standing in front of the limo and staring up at the castle for what seemed like forever, Finn grabbed Rachel's hand and led her down the concrete walkway leading to the front porch. Pulling up her dress a little so she wouldn't trip, she let him lead her up the stairs and to the front door.

"Now, the inside is a little on the rough edge right now, but just give it a chance." He warned before opening up the door. "I think you're really going to like it."

"Finn, open the door." She chuckled as he looked a little hesitant.

Turning the silver key to the right, Finn turned the knob and slowly pushed the door open. As he led her into the complete darkness, the lights came on and Rachel met her second love.

The first thing that came into her view was a small space where the foot of a huge staircase occupied. She could already picture a painting hanging on the open wall and a coat rack in the corner of the room filled with different sized and colored coats. Holding out his hand for her, Rachel grabbed Finn's hand as he led her past the stairs and into more darkness. Leaving the small space, they continued straight where Rachel could kind of make out a larger room. Switching on the next set of lights, Rachel underestimated its size. The room standing before them was huge.

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