chapter 8

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"I really don't know how, but i sort've knew you'd be up here." he smiled as he walked beside of her, holding out a blanket to her. "I saw that you left your coat on the rack, so I got this for you. You must be freezing."

She began to chuckle, wiping the tears away from the bottom of her eyelids. She knew he could tell she'd been crying by the sympathetic look on his face. "You know me so well." she smiled.

"Rachel, I'm sorry about everything that happened back there. You didn't deserve any of it." he said.

"No, it's fine. I'm okay." she tried to assure him.

Finn didn't buy it. He never really did buy the lies. She guessed he knew her more than she thought.

"Rachel, we have been friends for a long time. You can pull the whole "I'm fine" card with Santana or Quinn, just know that you're fooling me. You can talk to me." He said, looking down at her.

"No. Really, I'm fine." She smiled, and walked away to the small bench in the middle of the roof. Joining her, Finn knew that deep down inside she wasn't okay just by looking at her face. It was like second nature to him Since he knew her so well for so long.

"Rachel, why are you being so defensive? Just talk to me okay? I'm here for you and I'm not going anywhere." He demanded.

Getting frustrated with him, she remembered the feelings of seeing her mother for the first time, yelling at her parents, Mandy, and Kurt's unexpected outburst. Then, it all flew back to her and before she knew it, there was nothing she could do to stop it. That's when it all happened.

She held herself in her arms again, as she sobbed. She felt terrible. Not only because of the terrible events that ruined her, supposed special day, but because she was crying in front of Finn. Rachel hated crying in front of people, especially Finn. There was just something that she hated about the vulnerability and weakness that came along with crying. She often thought that people would think less of her while seeing her cry. But Finn didn't. The only thing that Finn actually did was wrap his arms around her, and constantly told her that everything would be okay.

She knew she could trust him. That was never an issue between the two of them. But, Rachel just felt like she would be a burden if she sprung all of her problems on him. Today wasThanksgiving and it was supposed to be a happy day. She didn't want to ruin his day with her problems.

"You can talk to me. You know you can. I'm here." He whispered as he hugged her.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm her down from the rapid amounts of sobs that came before, she finally broke the silence that she was giving him, besides the cries.

"Everything is falling apart.." She barely got out through her sobs.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, gently rubbing back her hair.

"This wasn't supposed to be how today went, Finn. I wanted to spend my birthday having fun with the people that I love. Then, Kurt insults me, my parents show up an hour late with my estranged mother, and to top it all off, someone invited the ice queen, Mandy. What is she even doing here anyways?" she cried.

"I'm so sorry, Rach. I should've been thinking clearly. I invited her so fast without thinking. If I would've known the trouble that she would've caused, I wouldn't have even brought it up." he apologized.

"Wait.. You were the one who invited her.. Why would you do that?" She asked.

"We ran into each other on the street and she was going on and on about how she had no plans for thanksgiving and I felt really bad. So i told her to come over. It was really stupid and I should've just kept my mouth shut." He explained.

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