chapter 28

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"Now, will everyone join me in welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Hudson for their first time on the dance floor as a married couple?" The dj asked, as Santana stood from where Brittany and she were seated in the large room filled with people. Santana smiled as her two best friends came out hand in hand with huge smiles on their faces. Their happiness and love was clearly present as they looked at each other before the music started.

Santana was so proud of her best friend. She never would have guessed that these two would be here today. Hell, the moment that Rachel told the three girls she had feelings for Finn, the shock left her speechless. She was glad that her best friend finally grew the balls to actually tell Finn how she felt about him. Because, what she witnessed between the two of them a few moments earlier outside, that's what she called true love. She knew, because the way Rachel looked at Finn was the same way that she looked at Brittany every single day.

Walking over to her beautiful blonde girlfriend, she wrapped her in an embrace as they watched Rachel and Finn make their way to the now cleared dance floor.

The fact that there were a lot of people surrounding the two to watch them dance would have normally scared Rachel to death; especially if she were to make a mistake; But, not today. All of the familiar faces that surrounded them didn't faze her. The only face that she was focused on was the one that she was looking up at right now. The beautiful face that carried the most amazing cheek bone structure, the heartwarming crooked smile that those beautiful lips projected at times, the perfect nose that she loved to tap, the slight freckles around it, and most importantly, the face that contained the world's most beautiful dark amber eyes that always made her heart melt when they were set on her.

Placing her hand against the side of his head, she traced some of his perfectly sculpted hairs behind his ear. Resting her hand against his cheek, she smiled up at him as they patiently waited for their song for to come on.

"Okay, Hudson, time to see how well you did with the one job that you had in this whole wedding planning fiasco." Rachel whispered with a giggle.

Just after she said that, Gavin DeGraw's "More than anyone" blared through the room as he pulled her closer into his embrace. Taking her right hand in his left, he placed his hand on her waist and started moving back and forth with his newly found dancing skills. To say that Rachel was impressed was an understatement. She told herself that she would pretend to be surprised when she found out he was practicing before the wedding. What she was feeling now wasn't pretend. She was flabbergasted by how well he was dancing, and even more so by the song that he had picked for their first dance.

"Finn Hudson, have you been taking dance lessons?" she asked in a cocky tone.

"Why yes, Mrs. Hudson, I have." He replied in the same manner. "Are you impressed?"

"I am more than impressed, Finn Hudson. I was hoping you'd pick this song." She smiled. "Everything is perfect." Closing her eyes, she rested her head against his chest as they swayed to the beautiful melody and lyrics that were playing. "I love you." She whispered loud enough for him. She thinks she didn't say it loud enough when he doesn't give her the usual immediate response. Those thoughts vanished when he grabbed both of her hands pushed her out of his embrace, twirled her around once, and dipped her.

"More than you'll ever know, Rach." He smiled as his muscular arms were holding her just above the ground as the crowd was whistling and cheering at his recent move. Pulling her back up, Rachel felt dizzy. But it wasn't because he had just taken her off guard with that dip. It was because she was so high on love.

Once the song ended, the dj brought over two microphones to Finn and Rachel so they could give their thank you speeches to the guests. They were going to need this part of the reception more than the other parts, especially considering the fact that most of the guests who came all this way to see them get married, actually didn't see them get married.

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