chapter 5

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It was about 11:30 pm when Finn and Rachel officially called it a night. They said their goodbyes at the front door and she watched as he walked down the hallway.

Watching him leave, Rachel did consider the fact that she may have forgiven him too quick, but then again he was her first love, and you would forgive your first love anything. She knew the choice of forgiving him wasn't easy, but if forgiveness was the key to keeping their friendship the way it was and to not loosing Finn, Rachel would do it any time. She just hoped Finn really meant what he said tonight.

Locking the front door, Rachel cleaned the living room of popcorn and other food and drinks, then folded the two blankets up. After all of this was done, she put the disk back in it's case, and made her way to her bed.

Setting her clock for 4:15, Rachel closed her eyes, knowing that a long and stressful day was ahead of her. Thinking about all that happened today, Rachel couldn't help but smile at how happy she was. Thinking of today's events with Finn she fell into yet another peaceful sleep.

By the time her alarm clock rang through her room, she abruptly sat up and turned it off. On her way out the door, Rachel debated whether or not she wanted to grab something to eat from her kitchen, but realizing she probably had nothing to eat in the pantry, she decided to stop at a local vender.

By the time she got to the hospital, she was already halfway through her cup of coffee. Getting to her locker room, she opened her locker and quickly changed into her cleaned pair of light blue scrubs.

Once she was out, she was already being ordered to start her daily rounds by one of the residents. Today was a little better with the rounds than it was Friday.. There were no mean parents and the patient's family actually let her do her job. She had a way better day. One of the best things about her day was she met the cutest little girl. Her name was Amy and she was in the hospital to have her tonsils removed and Rachel was assigned to the surgery. By the end of things, Rachel gave her an orange popsicle and rolled her out of the hospital to the parent's car. Watching them leave, Rachel smiled and waved, thanking God that she had a smooth surgery and no problems.

By the end of the week, Rachel was considering asking for extra shifts so she occupy herself, but she decided not to. She decided to let this weekend be a relaxation from all of the hard work she did this week.

At about 5:30 pm on Friday, Rachel got a call from Quinn.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Rachel, thank God you answered. Please tell me you have nothing planned for this weekend." Quinn began, sounding frantic.

"Nothing important, just hanging around the house. Why?" she asked.

"Because, Sam's family wants to have this huge gathering in Ohio, and I need someone to watch Jer. I tried to call everyone. San, Britt, even Puck. Please say you'll watch him.." she begged,

"I don't know, Q. Can't you just bring him with you?" she asked.

"I thought of that too. But, everyone's gonna be asking to hold him and see him and you have no idea how aggravating a large crowd around your 3 month old son is.. Plus, i feel he's too young to be on an airplane. Please, Rach. You're my last resort." she pleaded again.

"Quinn, i'm not good with children. Remember what happened in like freshmen year? After those kids tied me up and wrecked the house I never got asked to babysit them again. Plus, Jeremy is a small baby. I don't know the first thing about babies." she explained.

"It's not that complicated, Rachel. He won't even be that much of a bother. It's quite simple actually. All he does is eat, sleep, and poop. Oh yeah, and he loves to be held, so it's basically like playing baby dolls like we did in the first grade. Except, he's an actual baby. Come on, Rach. You can do it, please. I need you to say yes. You're the only option." she told Rachel.

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