chapter 10

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"We need to talk." Rachel said, looking up at Finn's confused eyes. She was scared. This time, it was a good scared. This could be the day that all of her dreams finally come true. She just hoped it wouldn't be screwed up.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"Um, yeah sure." He said, standing to the side so she could walk past him. As she walked in, he closed the door behind her.

"So, what brings you here?" He asked, watching her take off her coat and put in on the rack, along with her scarf and gloves.

"Can we go sit down somewhere? How about that cafe up the street? The one with the good coffee.." She said grabbing her coat, scarf, and gloves.

"Wh-? Rachel, you couldn't have just asked me to meet you there? What is up with you today? You seem off.." He said, looking down at her with concerned eyes.

"Finn, can we please just go? I'll answer any questions when we get there. Please." She begged standing by the door.

"Okay. Let me grab my coat." He said, turning to the coat rack.

As they walked across the street and further a little ways, Rachel couldn't help but hold her breath. What if tonight ended in a total mess? one thing was for sure. After tonight, they would never be the same. Things would change from here.

Once they arrived to the cafe, Finn and Rachel both set their orders of coffee, which then left them to the real reason why they came here. To talk.

"Okay. What's so important that I had to leave my house to hear?" Finn asked, crossing his arms and looking at Rachel.

"You're doing good right? I mean, with Mandy and all?" She asked, looking down at her coffee cup.

"Rach, you dragged me all the way over here to ask me about my love life?" He asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Just, Finn, please answer the question.." She whispered.

"Why should I? It's not like you're answering any of mine. What is up with you?" He asked.

"Please.." She asked.

"Fine. No, I broke things off." He admitted.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because, things were never going to work with us.. I kind of have someone else in mind."

"Do I know her?" Rachel asked, tensing up in her seat.

"What are we, in kindergarten?" He asked.

"I just want to know if I've ever met her.." Rachel said.

"No. Her name is Rebecca. I met her at a bar a few weeks ago, when Puck and I went. You'd probably really like her." He smiled. It was totally obvious that he was lying. He never really was good at it.

"You're lying to me.." Rachel said, looking at him across the table.

"What?" he asked, he seemed confused.

"After work today, I stopped by Brittany and Santana's." she stated. Finn's eyes went wide as she's ever seen them.

He didn't say anything. He just waited for her to continue what she had to say.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, her voice was barely able to be heard.

"Tell you what?" He asked, trying to seem oblivious to what they were talking about.

"Stop it! I know you know what I'm talking about, Finn. How come you never told me that you were in love with me?" She exclaimed.

"I can't believe they told you." He growled in a low voice.

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