chapter 15

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Voices were playing around Rachel as she regained the ability to use her ears. She had been in a state of complete darkness, and she had no idea how long she was in it. The only thing she could focus on was what the hell was going on? The few things she remembered were coming to her in images. Jessie on the subway, a bathroom, a man, and a sharp pain in her neck. Did she just get drugged?

With her eyes still closed, Rachel could feel a beam of light hit her face. She guessed she was slowly coming back into conscienceness. Slowly, one of her eyes blinked open and tried to process something other than the hazyness in front of her. Quickly Rachel continued to blink her eyes to try to get a clear image infront of her. Whatever she was drugged with was wearing off slowly.

After a few seconds of trying to focus her eyes, she finally focused them. She was in a small, dark area that projected small amounts of light. The people behind her were still continuously going back in forth in what seemed to be an argument. Surprisingly, she recognized both voices. She knew that the male voice was the man who took her, but she had no idea how she recognized the female's voice.

She didn't want to turn around and look at the two people talking, for fear that she would risk hurting her neck any more than it already was. She wanted to cry, but at the same time she wanted to kick her legs and scream at the top of her lungs. She had no idea what was going on. All she knew was that she had been kidnapped and these people were possibly going to kill her.

Looking down, she realized that she was tied down to a wooden chair. With experience, the most uncomfortable chair she's ever been in. The rope that held her limbs down was narrow and tight. If she had to make an estimate based on the amount of time she'd been here, it would be a day up to the most. If she stayed here longer, she'd have cuts against the parts that were tied within hours. If they'd even allow her to live that long.

She shivered at the thought of herself being kidnapped. She had never been in this situation before. Its wasn't really a surprise, most people aren't. She'd seen the news and felt bad for the victims who were. She just never really thought it would ever happen to her. She knew the possibility. New York was a big city and there were lots of bad things happening daily. She just never thought to wake up one day and say that she was going to be the next victim. But, now she was.

If there was one thing she knew, it was that she had to be really smart about all of this. The only thing she could do was do what she needed to get out of there. She needed to do what she had to do to get home. Finn. She'd do whatever she had to do to get back to Finn.

The two were still arguing behind Rachel. She guessed by the way her head was tilted, they still hadn't noticed that she was lucid again. Maybe she could use that to her advantage. If she pretended to still be unconscious, maybe they'd leave her be and it would spare her more time. More time for what? Rachel had no idea.

Closing her eyes, she steadied her breath and lowered her head to where it looked like she was still out. As she stayed in that position, she focused her ears on the two familiar voices.

"...You don't understand, Max. We have to do this. If we don't, I'll just be the stupid little girl who was left behind. I need revenge." the girl explained.

"Whatever you say. Good luck. I'm not going to jail again. Deal with this on your own." the male replied. After, footsteps were heard going up the stairs and then complete silence.

Rachel'a heart started to pound out of her chest. Did they both just leave her down here by herself? Was she alone? Something told her that she was. Holding her breath, she tried to hold her eyes closed even though they were dying to open just a little. Just to take a small peak in front of her. It was very strange to Rachel how hard it was to keep your eyes shut when you thought badly about it. Just a few more minutes she told herself. She had to make sure she was all alone.

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