chapter 11

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As soon as light hit Rachel's face through the window, Rachel's eyes fluttered open and she knew that she would be up for the rest of the day.

Last night came flying back to her memory, making her smile. It was one of the best nights in her life and she would never forget it. The thought of everything that happened last night sent chills up her spine, and she couldn't be more pleased. Rachel now knew that she had missed out on so much all these years. It was like a fairytale. The way Finn looked into her eyes. The way he caressed her cheek and held her in his arms. She felt so safe and loved. She felt invincible. There was no other place on this planet that she wanted to be than in his arms. Smiling to herself, she thought that if she was given forever, she'd be able to spend it with the love of her life.

Last night

The smell of Finn's cologne was all she could smell and considering the situation she was in right now, she didn't care. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and he was holding her up against the door that had just been closed behind them. He placed small kisses on her neck as she held him close to her.

It was unbelievable how fast her heart was going at the moment. She felt like it would beat out of her chest at any minute. This was just so unreal to her. It was like she was in some sort of trans or dream. Finn Hudson, her best friend in the entire world, was about to make love to her.

Placing both of her hands on his cheeks, he looked at her confused. His eyes were filled with lust. Looking down at her, he placed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I love you." she smiled.

His grin spread all the way across his face, ear to ear.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that." he replied, kissing her.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to say it." she said in between their kisses.

Holding him close to her, she felt that she never wanted to let go. She loved the way they were right now. Everything felt so safe and warm. Picking her back up, he walked a little further and placed her down on his bed. Laying down, she looked up at him and smiled as he gazed at her.

She then got up on her knees so she could be even with Finn's face. Grabbing hold of his business suit, she tugged it off of him and threw it on the floor. She knew that that was Finn's good suit, but at this point neither of them cared. He smiled as she giggled. Grabbing his tie, Rachel pulled Finn closer to where their lips barely touched. Finn was the one who broke the space in between them. She had no idea how long they were stuck in that position. All she knew was that she loved Finn with all of her heart and the way he had his arms wrapped around her showed that he loved her too, just as much. With every kiss, Rachel's eyes fluttered. The butterflies in her stomach were going crazy and her goose bumps were visible.

If she had to be honest, Finn was the second person that she's ever slept with. Jessie being her first. She wished with every fiber in her being that he was her first. With Jessie, she never felt what she was feeling now. When she slept with Jessie, it was mainly to see what it was like. She had never done it and was curious. She knew that she'd regret it, and that she did. She wished that she had waited to find the right guy to give her virginity to. She wished that she had waited for Finn, because what she was feeling now was not at all normal. This is what true love must feel like, she thought to herself.

Unbuttoning his white shirt and throwing off his tie, Rachel smiled into his dark amber eyes. Each kiss they shared made her fall in love with him over and over again. She wished she would of known that all those years of torture and pain crushing on him would lead to this.

Throwing his shirt on the ground, she looked at him. It's not like she had never seen his abs before. There were plenty times where she'd seen them. He'd had them since high school. But now, like this, it's like it was the first time she'd ever seen them.

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