chapter 12

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Setting down the broom against the wall to end her much needed done chores, Rachel sighed and went to her bathroom to start getting dressed for work this afternoon. It was only about 12:30, which left her a little over thirty minutes before she had to go to Santana's for Quinn's "special"announcement, whatever that meant.

She could honestly say that she really had no idea in the world why she needed to be there, as Quinn had explained. Nor did she care. All she knew was that He would be there. That was enough reason for her to go.

She really couldn't explain it. It was like there was this small, invisible string holding the two of them together. Whenever she would get farther away the string would start to stretch and finally break, leaving a huge weight on her heart. She never felt anything like that before with Jessie. It was like her heart broke every second she was away. Finn Hudson had that power over her.

Throwing on her pair of scrubs and tennis shoes, she smiled thinking that she would see him again. She knew it sounded kind of silly, getting excited over seeing someone she saw earlier this morning, but still, it was Finn Hudson. She visualized the way things would go today, or how she wanted them to go. She would walk through the door to Brittana's apartment, and he would be standing there. His big goofy smile would appear on his surprisingly flawless face. Those beautiful dark amber eyes would stare right through her. She would completely melt into pieces like every other girl usually did in the presence of Finn Hudson.

She never really thought about it, but if she had to be honest, now more than ever she saw him as something a little more than she'd always seen him, her best friend from elementary school, which by the way would make up the best story to tell their kids in the future. Now when she looked at him, she didn't see that little boy who helped her up when she was crying on the ground. She saw him as Christian Grey or Edward Cullen. The way he'd made her feel last night and this morning, made her feel like she was in her own romantic book series. A fairy tale. She guessed that's what came along with falling in love with your childhood best friend.

The truth was, Rachel couldn't have asked for anything better. There was something about falling in love with your best friend that's just different from regular relationships. Finn was always there, and nothing changed really, well, besides the I love you's and the sex. She felt like there was nothing in the world that she didn't know about Finn, because over time they'd gotten to know everything about each other. She knew that Finn absolutely hated pickles and spinach, loved football with a passion, watched the entire "Star Wars" series every time he got sick, hated rainy days, unless it got him out of something, then he loved it. She also knew that his favorite color was yellow, he was the vanilla over chocolate kid, and he was obsessed with classic rock. She also knew some things about Finn that no one on the planet knew, including Carol. Like the times he talked about his real father. She didn't know for sure, but she was the only person, besides Carol to actually see him cry. That was another thing she knew about him, he hated to cry in front of anyone. It gave him a feeling of embarrassment being vulnerable in front of another person.

She also knew that he knew just as much stuff about her, maybe even more. Rachel trusted him with every little secret, or thing that she had. She trusted him with her life and she knew she'd never regret it. He knew things about her like, her favorite day of the week was Thursday, she loved chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, she cried every time she watched "The Notebook", she hated cream soda with a passion, she loved the outdoors, she got her heart broken in pieces by Jessie St. James, she got drunk off of her ass after four beers, she had her first kiss with Michael Peterson, the boy who lived down the block from Finn and Rachel, and she loved playing dress up and putting on performances for Finn and her stuff animals. He was always there for her, even when she wasn't there for him. Most normal relationships had to be built up to that as it progressed. For them, everything that had to be built up to was already there.

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