chapter 20

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By the time Finn and Rachel were finished getting their luggage, Finn was informed that the driver he hired prior to the trip was waiting for the two of them outside. Rachel really didn't understand why Finn had to hire a driver. She thought it really was unnecessary since both of their families lived here. She argued that he spent too much on her and needed to stop spoiling her. But, he told her that he wanted the most relaxing vacation for just the two of them without all of the crazy family drama that was never settled. Including all of the worries from them about the incident that recently occurred and the thanksgiving stunt with Rachel, her parents, birth mother, and of coarse, Kurt. As for her argument, he rolled his eyes and waved it off.

Finn also informed Rachel that he had gotten them a hotel room before hand. He said that it was a much better private option, rather than being crowded at Finn's or Rachel's family's house. Rachel agreed in the sense of wanting privacy. But, she vowed that during this trip home, she would spend it seeking redemption from the ones she hurt. She thanked the heavens that she had this opportunity, because she remembered the last time she thought of this was when she thought she was going to never see any of them again.

Once she told Finn of her intentions, he was more than happy to support her decision. He told her that he could write it into their schedule. This actually made Rachel laugh, because that's when she found out that he had been planning this trip for a long time. He had everything timed and mapped out. He was so OCD sometimes, she just wished he would be like this more around the house. Maybe then, she'd have less to clean after.

Once they spotted the black SUV waiting for them outside of the airport, Rachel and Finn placed all of their luggage in the back of the car, then got into the back seat. After Rachel buckled her seatbelt, she smiled and leaned into Finn's accepting arms. Her heart fluttered as she took in his scent. He smelled so good right now, and she honestly wished the driver wasn't there at that moment. Maybe she'd be more happier when they got to their hotel room.

As the car pulled out of the driveway, they were off to relive their memories as kids. Rachel took in a breath of hope. Maybe this trip would help her reconnect herself with her inner roots. She hoped that this little trip could bring her back to that little girl who didn't know that people could be so cruel. Maybe she could go back to being that little girl with this trip. She only wished.

Looking out the window at the passing places and houses, Rachel smiled to herself once she realized everything still looked exactly the way it did when she left Lima. The only major changes she noticed were a few new houses built and new shop or two. Other than that, it was as if she never left. She hadn't been here since she left after high school. Now looking back, she wished she would have visited more often.

Holding onto Finn's arms wrapped around her, she looked up at him. By his facial features, she knew that he was just as amused as she was. She really didn't know if Finn ever came back after they left. Even if he did, he must've not have told her. By the look of things, she really didn't think that he did.

"This place hasn't changed a bit." Rachel grinned as she continued to look out the window.

"I know. It's like we never left." he replied, placing a kiss on top of Rachel's head.

"I can't believe you brought me here. I can honestly say that I love you even more for it, babe." Rachel said, looking at him.

"I knew you'd love it." he chuckled. "I love you as well, by the way. Even more than you'd ever know."

Once the car arrived at the hotel, Rachel got out and took a quick glance around. The smell in the air was refreshing. It was no longer the familiar smell of New York City. It was better, more fresh. Turning around, she hopped over to see if she could help bringing up the luggage with Finn, but he told her he would get it. She really hated when he did this because it made her feel selfish watching Finn pull up both of the large bags. She also felt a little bad because she knew he was struggling. She tried to help him 5 more times, but he still refused, saying that he didn't want her to strain herself more than she already was. Rachel despised this, but she loved the fact that he was looking out for her. Right before they were about to head into the hotel, Finn turned around to Rachel and quickly whispered to her.

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