chapter 7

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This chapter will Pick Up When Rachel sees Her Mom But Will Later Go Into A Flashback To When Rachel And Finn First Met And Became Best Friends just WantedTo Let You Know So You Don't Get Confused :)


"Oh my gosh, she remembers me." The older woman told Hiram and Leroy as they all looked down at her.

"Of course I remember you. It's kind of hard to forget the woman who didn't think that I was good enough to keep." Rachel spat as she glared at the woman. She wasn't surprised with the hurt expression on her face. She didn't care, she deserved it.

"Rachel!" Her daddy scolded.

"Apologize to Shelby this instant!" Her father yelled.

"The only people that should be apologizing are the two of you. This is the first time in 8 years that I ever ask either of you to come up to New York, and you know, since I'm your only daughter and I haven't seen you guys in so long, that you two would accept the offer without hesitation. But you didn't! I was really looking forward to you guys coming, and then you turned me down like you always do. For what? Your stupid jobs.. I understood that you guys missed graduation because we were struggling with the bills and stuff, but I'm a damn surgeon. I can support myself.. What's your excuse now? I know, the two of you are obsessed with your jobs.. You guys should've just let me get put in foster care.. I'm sure It would've been a hell of a lot better than being ignored by my parents for most of my childhood!" She yelled as she walked pass them and ran to the elevator.

The tears had finally made their escape after holding them in for what seemed like days. Rachel couldn't believe she ever even said that she was excited for this day. Why couldn't she just have a normal birthday with the family she loved? Oh right, because her parents probably never loved her in the first place. All she ever wanted to do was impress them. She brought home the grades, got the role of valedictorian at high school graduation, got offers from many colleges, including two Ivy League, Yale and Princeton, went to medical school. Everyday she woke up and went to her job, she felt a sense of pride, knowing that she was making her parents proud. But they were never there for her. No matter how much she hurt inside, she thought that they were doing the best they could for her. She ignored the hour long sympathetic lectures from Finn, about how she deserved better than to be treated that way. She ignored the dirty looks from Santana or Quinn, and even Sam when she would get overly excited about a card that they would send in the mail at Christmas time. She ignored all of it because she knew they weren't like that. Or at least she thought she did. That was until tonight, when she finally realized that they were to busy for their own little girl.

Sniffling the tears back, Rachel wiped under her eyes to make sure her make up wouldn't smear. She had pressed the elevator button at least 10 times already and she was becoming a little impatient. It was still on the 2nd floor. Sighing, she walked to the large door to the right of it, which said stairs on it. Running up as far as she could go, she sobbed as loud as she could, not caring of the pain on her knees a few trips and missing of steps caused her. All she wanted was to be away from every single person on this planet.

Once she couldn't go up any further, she sniffed some more before she opened the door to the roof, and walked out. She was taken aback by how could the air was, but it was November in New York, so she couldn't really be surprised by it. Walking to the edge, she placed her hands on the concrete wall protecting her from falling off the side, like a balcony. As the tears made their way down her face, she gazed out at the wide span of skyscrapers and buildings that rose above her in the farther distance. She could even see the Empire State Building.

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