chapter 24

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"Oh my gosh, Rachel hurry up!"

"I'm coming!" Rachel exclaimed, examining herself once more in the mirror. She couldn't believe that she once again allowed Santana to dress her up. She was wearing a black draped neckline one shoulder short club dress, high black pumps that she could now fully walk on thanks to her healed leg, and a silver bracelet on her left wrist, which made her engagement ring sparkle even more. Her hair flowed down her shoulders in tight curls with her bangs pinned back by two dark bobby pins. Last but not least, her makeup stood out the most. Her eyes were surrounded by a grey Smoky eye affect and her eyeliner was the darkest shade of black. Tugging down her dress, she rolled her eyes to herself and smiled in the mirror. Thank you, Santana Lopez.

Clearing her mind, she took a deep breath and looked herself eye to eye in the mirror. She had no idea why she was so nervous about a night that was supposed to be care free and fun. She just guessed separation anxiety was getting the best of her.

It had been almost nine months from the day that Rachel accepted Finn's proposal. Since then, Rachel's life had been nothing more than graceful and chaotic. She could never forget the moment after he proposed. Supposedly everyone already knew, so Finn took her to Carole and Burt's where everyone in Lima was waiting for them. She had gotten so many congratulations and wishes for a long happy marriage from everyone. Even Will and Emma were present. At first Rachel thought it would be a little awkward seeing as though her dads were also there, but everyone seemed to be accepting of Rachel and Will's new found relationship. This made her happier more than anything.

Rachel shed a lot of tears throughout the night. One time was when Carole and Burt told her to acknowledge them as mom and dad. Another time was when she caught a glimpse of her dads hugging Finn and telling him to acknowledge them as his parents as well. But the one time that made her absolutely bawl was when Carol pulled her aside and told her that she was glad that Rachel was wearing her old wedding ring.

"I just know with all of my heart that Christopher is looking down on the two of you and is just smiling away." Carole said, holding her hand to her heart as her voice broke. "From the very moment that you walked into our lives, he absolutely adored you. I remember one day the two of you were playing in the backyard and we were watching out the window. He pointed at you and said 'Carole, he's going to marry that girl out there.' I smiled and rolled my eyes. And now, here we are; my baby boy getting married to his beautiful best friend."

Rachel had no idea how to reply. All words were lost. All she could do was let Carol know how honored she was to be wearing the ring and marrying her son.

"You have no idea how much all of that means to me, Carole." Rachel sniffled. "I swear, I will love your son for the rest of my life. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me." Reaching out, Carole took Rachel into a warm and loving embrace. "I wish I could've gotten to know him better before he left. I wish he were to celebrate with all of us."

"I know, sweetheart. I do too." Carol said into Rachel's shoulder. Pulling away, Carole pushed a piece of hair behind Rachel's ear and smiled. "Welcome to the family."

The rest of the night, Rachel and Finn had an amazing night with all of the people they loved most. Once they returned to New York City, Quinn, Sam, Puck, Brittany, and Santana were all waiting for them at the airport. Rachel guessed that they were all in on the little secret too. They all basically jumped on Rachel, who was still hopping around on crutches by the way.

"Oh my gosh! Our best friend is getting married, guys." Brittany smiled, hugging her tightly.

"Poor man." Puck said wrapping his arm around Finn's shoulder.

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