chapter 13

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2 weeks later

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again

Lucky we're in love in every way

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

Lucky to be coming home someday.

Turning the knob to the shower, Rachel stepped out and wrapped a towel around her. Walking up to the mirror, she smiled at her reflection.

She, in fact, was lucky. She was the luckiest girl on the planet for all that she knew. Everything had been perfect these past two weeks and she had no idea how they could get any better. Finn and her could both happily admit that they were going steady. He even gave her his high school letterman jacket to make it official. That afternoon would be forever implanted in her heart. It was a major milestone for the two of them. She went to his house to watch the Super bowl with him.

"Okay, we're definitely going to have to order take out tonight." Rachel smiled as she walked behind Finn to the kitchen.

"Why? I thought I could cook us something." he turned around and smiled at her.

"Finn, listen to that last sentence carefully." she laughed.

"What's wrong with my cooking?" he asked.

"You can't even make ice without burning it." she giggled watching his face.

"Okay, if you're referring to the turkey incident a few years ago, that was one time." he chuckled.

"Too bad. We're eating take out. End of story, Mister." she said, sitting on the countertop so she could be the same height as Finn.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she smiled as he looked at her. "I don't care. As long as I get to spend the night with you." he said, pulling her in. The passion and lust that felt that kiss had Rachel feeling drunk.

"I love you." she smiled in his kiss.

"I love you more." he smiled back as he held her frame in his arms.

"That's so far from being true." she replied.

"Whatever you say." he whispered. "I have something that I want you to have." he said, turning to leave the room.

"Wait, where are you going?" she called.

"You'll see." he called from the back of his house.

Jumping down from the counter, she leaned against it and waited for him to come back.

"Okay" he started getting closer, "Close your eyes."

Closing her eyes, Rachel smiled as she felt Finn's presence again. "Okay, arms out." he said, which Rachel could almost hear the big smile on his face. She wondered what it was.

Holding out her arms, she felt something soft and heavy being placed in them. Almost like it was a piece of clothing.

"Okay, open them." he said.

"Opening them, Rachel took in the large Red jacket. She didn't even have to look at it twice. She knew exactly what it was. His famous letterman jacket.

"Finn... This is so romantic, but I couldn't possibly take this from you. It's your letterman jacket." she said in pure astonishment.

"Come on, Rach. We're going steady now. Don't you remember the old tradition?" he asked.

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