chapter 22

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Sitting still on the moving bus, Rachel let out a heavy sigh and held on tight to her brand new Hello Kitty lunch box that her dad's bought for her the previous afternoon. School had just let out and she was left feeling frustrated. Today miss Margaret taught them a new lesson in Mathematics, and no matter how many times she tried it, she'd get it wrong. So, now, she sat there blankly watching the figures passing the moving bus, trying to block out the trembling stress from her little brain.

Sighing, she wiped the small tear that fell down her cheek. She wished that something could cheer her up. She wished that something could occupy her from this worry that she was feeling. Looking over to her side, Finn's back was facing her.

She hated this too. Ever since Taylor Jones from Finn's class started riding the bus, Finn wouldn't talk to Rachel until she got off the bus. It was very obvious to Rachel. Finn was smitten. Every boy in their class was. Taylor Jones transfered to their school about a summer ago and ever since then, she had every boy in that class wrapped around her finger, including Finn.

Turning her attention back out the window, something caught Rachel's eye. Coming up in the view out the window was a big brick house that looked like a small castle. There had to have been at least three stories. Rachel smiled as it came closer into her view. She knew that this was where princesses lived. She loved it.

Turning around, she began tugging on Finn's jacket. When he didn't respond, she smacked him on his shoulder a few times.

"Ouch! What do you want, Rachel?" He asked, annoyance present in his voice.

"Look at that house!" Rachel exclaimed as she pointed to it.

"Wow." He whispered as his face expressed pure amazement. She had no idea how she never noticed it before in such a small town.

"Someday when I get older, I'm gonna live there. My boyfriend is gonna live there with me and we're gonna be like a prince and Princess. " Rachel said as they both smiled at the house moving behind them now.

"No, me and Taylor are going to live there, after we get married." Finn whispered so the brunette on the other side of him couldn't hear them.

"What? No way. I saw it first, and she doesn't even like you." Rachel replied in defense as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yes she does. If she didn't like me, then why does she hang out with me all of the time?" Finn asked.

"I don't know."

"Exactly. How would you know anything? You're just a second grader." He said harshly. Hearing those words from Finn felt like a punch in the chest. What did she do to him?

"Don't talk to me ever again. You're stupid and I hate you. When I get older I will get that house." Rachel said, as she choked up with tears. For the rest of the ride, Rachel sat in silence as Finn turned back towards Taylor.

Sitting down in the chair by the window, Rachel smiled as she took in the view. Since they were a few floors up, Rachel could kind of get a good view of the town from where she was sitting. She appreciated the peacefulness. The only noise projecting in the air, being Finn's occasional snores, which Rachel thought was adorable.

He was passed out like a rock. She could start banging pots and pans together and he could probably sleep peacefully through it. She was glad that he wasn't one of those light sleepers that woke at the drop of a pen. But, it was also a curse for him because he had to have assistance from Rachel to get up for work ever since she moved in with him. How he got up every morning before they lived together was way beyond her.

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