chapter 17

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Finn's heart was racing. His feet were racing. Everything that was in his head before had totally vanished. The only thing he could think of were the last few words that had been spoken to him.

"We've found something…"

He'd been running ever since. He didn't care who was in the way or how much physical pain the running would put on his body. As a matter of fact, he was currently ignoring the sharp pain that the cold air against his face brought to his throat. Anything else going on around him didn't matter. The only thing that mattered in his head was her.

When he finally arrived to the police station, he was covered in sweat and his face was tomato red. Walking up to the front desk, the same intern from a few days before was sitting there, typing away at her keyboard. When she noticed his presence, she stopped typing and greeted him.

"Hello. May I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm here to see Detective Rousseau. It's about my girlfriend." Finn frantically explained. He wanted to be calm, but if there was anything he learned in the past few days, it was that calm was just simply not an option.

"Mr. Hudson?" she asked looking at her computer.

"That's me." Finn replied.

"Okay. Mr. Hudson, follow me." She said, getting up from the desk and making her way towards the back as Finn followed behind her. Once they came to a stop, they were standing in front of a door. Finn gripped his sweaty palms as the receptionist opened the door. Walking in, Finn came face to face with detective Rousseau and another man in a suit.

"Ah. Mr. Hudson, I'm glad you could finally make it." Detective Rousseau said stepping forward to greet him. "This is Detective Morgan. He just signed on the case. He's going to be helping us from now on." He explained.

"Hello, Mr. Hudson. I'd like to say nice to meet you, but under the circumstances that we're meeting, I'll have to say otherwise." Morgan said, holding out his hand for him to shake.

Shaking his head in agreement, he took the man's hand in his. Looking around, he noticed a large window on the left side of the room. In that room, there was a table, four chairs, and a man sitting in one of them.

"Who's this?" Finn asked, walking towards the window. The man looked young. He looked like he was just exiting his teen years. Maybe a little older. He had shaggy blonde hair and brown eyes. He looked like one of those skater guys you would see in an old Avril Lavigne music video.

"He's the reason we called you. His name is Max Simmons and he's our number one suspect. We were searching for things in the subway and found an empty shot container on the floor in the corner of the room. We wouldn't have found it if it weren't for our search dogs. There was a trace of liquid in the container when we found it. We had it tested. Simmons's finger prints were on it, along with a trace of anesthesia." Detective Morgan explained.

"We came up with a theory one we've asked him a few questions. He's stumbling with the questions and he changes the story each time he tells his alibi. This is what we've come up with. You're girlfriend went to the bathroom after her stop in the subway. Simmons followed her into the bathroom and drugged her before she could protest. Now, he's working for someone who has her or he's hiding her himself. The man has guilt written all over his face. Now, all we have to do is break it out of him and we'll have your girlfriend back, "detective Rousseau joined in.

"How are we going to do that?" Finn asked through his teeth. His blood was boiling looking at the man and his short fingernails were digging into his palms from gripping them to hard. It took every fiber inside of him not to attack the man behind the glass.

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