That One Guy... - Jack

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That One Guy…


It was starting to get dark out.

            Cars just kept passing me by.

One right after another. Car

            after car, after car, after car.

Not a single person seemed

            to notice me, or they just

didn’t care enough to do a

            single thing about it, even

stopping. It was starting to

            get on my nerves just a bit.

Eventually, a fairly large

            white truck was rolling down

the road. I watched as it

            passed me first, but then it

slowed down and backed

            up to me, stopping right beside

me. The passenger’s side

            window rolled down, and a

guy probably only in his

            early twenties was looking

at me. He had bluish-

            green eyes and light brown

hair. He stared at me.

            You need a ride? He asked.

I noticed his voice had a

            bit of a twang to it, which was

kind of interesting. It was

            different from what I was used

to hearing when I met

            people from traveling around.

“Yeah. My car was

            totaled back in Miami. I don’t

have a vehicle, and I

            really need to get back to…”

Think of a southern

            city, dumbass! “Austin so I

can get some help

            from my parents. We’re a

really tight-knit

            family. We just moved there

a bit ago.”

            You said Austin, right?

I nodded.

            I’m actually from Austin.

I can give you a

            ride back in to the city.

"Really? That's

            awesome. Thanks so

much!” I climbed

            into the passenger’s side.

Sometimes, I

            absolutely hated how I

took advantage

            of people around me.

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