Missing - Ace

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I guess my thoughts just keep wandering

to other places than they should be, to Paris,

to Italy, to all the places I’ve never been to and

never will be able to go to. I just keep thinking

that Jack has to be out there somewhere, maybe

even thinking of me. I hope so anyway. He got lucky,

and I just got stupid, being here instead of with him.

It’s more than likely much safer with him than it is

with Momma and her evil boyfriends. None of them

have ever bothered to pay for her bills. None of

them have cared at all about her or her children. I

suppose that’s just the way things have to work

around here. Maybe though, things will get better.

I think Jack sent me a new email (I hope so), so I

need to check that out and make sure. He still hasn’t

told me where he is or how he’s doing. He’s

probably better off than me, I bet. He could be

anywhere, as long as it’s very far from here and

Momma. He always had a little more sense than

I did, even though we’re supposed to be twins. He

knows where he needs to be, and here definitely

isn’t that place. I know that too, but I haven’t acted

upon it like I should have. Maybe if I did, I would be

safe and with Jack. Maybe I could finally find a way

to a good life. But I think, isn’t something that I’m

looking for in this awful place...


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