Chapter 5: Coffee Spill

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*After school*

Natalie leaves school alone. Audrey went home to make a video for Rachel and Noah went to his dreamland.
She starts to walk to the coffee shop at 6 and it's already turning dark. Her mother couldn't pick her up because shes working at the station with Emmas mother, Maggie.
She goes for the short cut but feels like someone is watching her. She turns around and looks but couldn't see anyone till she looked down the street to see a figure standing there, with a black robe and bright white mask, the Brandon James mask. It's the guy who killed Nina. The killer lifted their hand to show a knife. The unknown killer waves with the knife and starts to walk towards Natalie. She turns and goes through an alley way. She runs and bumps right into a fence. "No. NO."
She shakes the fence and it makes a rustle sound.
She turns her head back and sees the killer. It stands still. Gripping onto the knife, staring at Natalie.
"Please don't..." Natalie mutters.
The figure starts to walk towards her slowly, step by step. and Natalie frezzes. She falls to the ground and crys in her knees... and then avoice is heard, calling her name.
"Natalie!" The unknown voice continued to call her name. Natalie looked up to see the killer turning and running into the darkness. Natalie covered her face, ignoring the calls and broke down. She was about to die...her father rang through her brain. This is what he must of felt.
"Natalie!" Natalie removed her hands from her face to see a tall man.
Jack kneeled down to her, placing his hands on her knees.
"Are you okay? What happened."
"That person...the killer...was gonna kill me."
"That man in black that ran. That was the killer?"
Natalie nodded. Jake pulled her up and hugged her tight.
"How...How did you know I was here?"
"I saw you come down here...I was about to call you but someone was behind you... I had to come and investigate, good ol' jakey the detective."
"Well...thank you."
"Im glad I followed you...It'll be okay Nat. I'm here."

*Time skip.*

Jake slams his fist on the coffee shop door and Emma opens it, with Will behind her.
"Emma, Natalie was nearly attacked by the killer." Jake said.
"Oh god...come in."
Emma stepped aside and they entered the shop.
"I thought the killer was going to attack me too. I saw him in the back of the shop." Emma said.
Natalie sat on the sofa and was shivering.
"It's happening all over again. We're all gonna die."
"Natalie..don't say that."
Jake sat beside her and put his arm around her. She leaned her head onto his chest.
"But I could be right. Noah could be right. What If Brandon James is back."
"He isn't."
"But what if he is." Natalie sat back up and stared at Emma.
"Hes dead Nat..."
"Killers don't always die. They always come back. Have you never seen any horror movies."
"This isn't a movie." Emma said.
"But almost 80% of horror movies are based off true events and things from movies could Saw. A man killing those who deserved it and other men and woman following his legacy. It could all happen."
"You sound like Noah."
Will pointed out.
"Well when you live with him your whole life and he talks about horror movies and killers at the dinning table everyday, you kinda pick up some things."
They all giggled and Will sat down. Emma got them all coffees and they talked till they all decided to go. Will and Jake had to go and play a basketball game for lakewood Lancers.
" you need a ride?"
Jake asked her. She looked at him and she shook her head.
"I can walk."
She started to walk and Jake ran into his truck. He drove next to her and opened his window.
"Can you please come to the game? See my moves...and then I can drive you home. After everything tonight, you gotta trust the jacky!"
Natalie laughs and stops walking.
"Okay. Fine. If you buy me a slushee from the cafe."
Jake paused. "Fine."
"A large!"
She pointed.
"But that's an extra dollar!"
Natalie steps forward, teasing him.
"Fine! Okay fine!"
Natalie laughs and jumps into the truck. Jake looked at her, while she texts her mom to say she's going to the game. Jake drives to the game.
"Here's a 10... I'm feeling nice I guess, treat yourself."
"Wow I can get an extra large?"
"Okay don't don't greedy!"
Natalie laughs.
"I wonttt!"
She winks. Jake passes the 10 bucks to her and they leave the truck.
"I'll see you soon Natalie Foster!"
She waves as he runs away with his bag of equipment. She enters the school with a crowd of other students.

*Time later*

Natalie walks into the gym with her large slushie and a small bag of raspberry gummies and sees Emma and Brooke sitting in the benchseats of the gym.
"Hey Nat."
"Hey Emma. Can I?"
Natalie pointed to an empty space beside her. Emma nodded with a smile and Natalie sat down with the straw in her mouth
A group of people held sighs saying.
"Go Station Bulldogs Beat MurderVille" and people cheering on the lakewood lancers also.
Brooke said. Emma and Natalie laughed. She saw Will and the whole basketball team practice. Will shot at the basket and Jake caught it and passed it backwards. They looked over at us and Will waved at Emma.
She returned with a smile.
"Whats with you and Will?"
"Some relationship stuff."
Jake looked over at them and he smiled when he saw Natalie.
"Whats with you and Jake?"
Brooke asked. She shrugged and looked at him.
"I honestly don't know."
Natalie responded, throwing a gummir in her mouth after. Jake and Will separated and continued to practice. Brooke stood up.
"I'm gonna get some licorice wipes I'll be right back." Brooke jogged away.
"Her and Mr.B are totally having a thing."
Natalie looks at Emma. Emma sighs and she knows Natalie right.
"So where's Audrey and Noah?"
"Oh I texted them. Noah is going somewhere with Riley and Audrey should be here."
Natalie looks around and the mayor starts to talk in the middle of the gym.
"Welcome, It has been an emotional week for lakewood. The loss of two lovely souls in our community. Nina Patterson and Rachel Murray."
Natalie saw Audrey appear from the doors of the gym holding her camera. She turns it off and closes it.
"Let's have a moment of silence."
Natalie looked down and tears formed in her eyes. Sadness was everywhere and we sat there in silence all thinking about Nina and Rachel.

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