Chapter 2: First Talk

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|Your Point of View|

The cold breeze sent chill down my spine. A deep exhale escaped from my lips. I stared down at the weapon I held, its blade gleaming as the sunshine reflected to it. Sweat trickled down the side of my neck and my heart beat fast. I panted and wiped the sweat on my forehead. My eyes glanced back to the dummy, whose wooden arms were broken due to my reckless hits from earlier. I plopped down on the grass and took a deep breath.

"Hey (Y/N)," Tifa's voice made me turn around, stand up and draw my sword, yet I immediately lowered it and looked away in embarrassment. She only laughed and threw a bottle of water towards my direction which I caught easily with one hand. She grinned, "Nice catch."

"Thanks," I mumbled and sat back down. I opened the bottle cap and gulped down the liquid that slid smoothly into my throat. "Thanks for the water."

"No need to thank me," she walked towards me and then sat beside me, "you should thank Cloud too. He told me to hand you a bottle of water. You must be exhausted from your training."

"I don't think I'm training, though. It's just like a hobby I enjoyed to do," I formed a smile. "But, to be honest, sword fighting takes a lot of time to master. It also takes a lot of energy, so I guess it's as difficult as martial arts."

"Indeed it is," Tifa smiled. "You seemed to be much more silent these past days. I only get to talk to you the way we used to months ago whenever I walk into you doing some fights with the dummy, but I guess you should pause for awhile. Yuffie made a snack, want some?"

"Anything for food," I grinned and followed her into the backdoor. The dim light had my sight have to adjust when we passed through the kitchen. Tifa went towards the dining table and took a tart from the plate.

"Here," she lent out the tart so I took it. "It's a peach tart, with mango slices mixed into it. The crust is just right." Well, she was right. The tart was extremely delicious. The filling was not so sweet; a tasty one that melted inside my mouth.

"Do you mind if I check on the kids?" I asked.

"I don't mind, you may go upstairs."

I thanked her and then went upstairs. The dress I wore was a bit heavy, but it was a miracle that I managed to do some practice a while ago. The stair crackled every step I took which I always thought that I would fall. Finally I reached the top of the stairs and stood at the door in the right side of the narrow hall. I made a few soft knocks on the door and opened it slightly, when a little girl of light brown hair fully opened it. "Jeez! I thought it was Cloud. I got scared you know," she laughed, "come in!" I smiled and headed into the room. The pale blue walls sent a different aura to my sight. Marlene sat on the bed and swung her legs back and forth. "It's nice to see you again, (Y/N)! You haven't visited me for days."

"I apologize," I chuckled and sat beside the kid. "(Y/N)'s been a bit busy these past days. But don't worry, I'll spend more time with you from now on, alright?"

"Sure!" She cheered, but then sighed. "If only my fever were gone, we could've played more." The innocent look in her blue eyes sent a mixed feeling of jealousy and loneliness. She was so lucky; being a little child she was, she could spend her time as a kid with no worries to think about. While I, had no idea who I was and where I was from. No matter how much I tried to ask Tifa or Yuffie, they wouldn't dare to tell me and would just shrug, only saying "Perhaps Cloud knows."

Yet whenever they tell me that Cloud knew the answer, I still wouldn't dare go near that guy. I don't know; I just don't like him. Although there were times in my head that I'd go talk to him, he would immediately send me a cold look and ignore me. So there was only one solution to it— I thought that I'd just have to ignore him the same way he always did to me.

"Say, (Y/N)," Marlene said. "I noticed that you talk to the others the way you always do, but I see no reason why you should ignore Cloud."

I startled of what she just said. She was just a seven year-old girl. How could she think of such things? I blinked and swallowed, "Well, you see, Marlene. . . I think it's best if you get to rest. Your fever might worsen." I gently touched her forehead and stood up.

"Hmph, you still didn't answer my question (Y/N)," she pouted, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I laughed and shook my head slightly, "That doesn't work on me, kid. Now rest or I won't have a second thought to not play with you anymore." I told her and miraculously she obeyed and laid down on bed, but still she muttered her whines. I pulled the blanket to her neck as she took hold of it. I retracted my hands and headed for the doorway but I stopped when she whispered, "Hey (Y/N), promise me that you won't leave me okay?"

I smiled gently, "I wouldn't, Marlene." Without another word I slowly closed the door behind me after stepping out of the room. I took a deep breath and was about to go back downstairs when the next door behind me closed. I turned around, only to see Cloud and was surprised. I quickly looked away and didn't want to receive that cold stare again, since today was a good day and I didn't like having a bad mood just because of him.

"How's Marlene?" There was a sudden speaking from him and I assumed it was the very first time he talked to me.

"S-She's alright," my heart thumped but still I didn't face him. "However the temperature still hasn't dwindled." I wondered what face he was making now. At first he didn't respond, but eventually he did.

"Good to hear," he finally said which led me to go for the stairs but he spoke again and called my name so I stopped. What did this guy want? He was getting into my nerves. ". . . Aren't you going to at least thank me?"

"For what?" I spat. That was a wrong idea to say, but I said it so I couldn't do anything about it.

"Didn't Tifa tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

There was a moment of silence, until he said, "I was the one who handed her the bottle. I told her to. . . give it to you."

I looked down. So he had been expecting me to give him a thank you? I shrugged. ". . . Thanks, but, that doesn't mean I'll make it easy on you." Without a moment's pause I ran down the stairs, seeing Tifa and Yuffie chatting at the dining table. My heart skipped a beat and I didn't know why. It was the first time we interacted, and I had no idea why I was nervous and my palms were full of sweat.

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