Chapter 5: Once More

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"Don't even think you can't do it. I know you can."

You opened your eyes. The darkness disappeared out of your sight, seeing Cloud standing a few walks away from you. He looked at you with a serious expression.

"C-Cloud?" You whispered. The cold wind embraced your skin, sending shiver and tingling inside you. You slowly walked towards him. Cloud stood out of nowhere in the bright light, his blond spikes flowing a little by the cool breeze. You heard the serene whispers the wind.

"You seemed like giving up, don't you?" He stared into your eyes.

You looked down. Everything seemed pretty tragic. Of what happened right now... The fiery blaze in the maze that you thought was the one that would end your life... The beast that killed some of the people with you... And... The flames that made you feel alive and powerful.

Cloud lifted your chin up, making you look at him. His electric blue eyes made you filled with wonder. The moment when he was with you wasn't really enough. Even when you really didn't know who he was in your life. You knew he wasn't really a family by blood, including Tifa and the rest, but you also knew that you needed them . But you didn't care. All you wanted was to be with them again. To be with him, and Tifa. The happy and normal life you've always wanted.

And that moment...had suddenly disappeared as you found out that something really strange would just appear out of nowhere and take you away from them. That moment, when something had vanished you away from him. When you were teleported to the world of Eos.

"I'm sorry, Cloud..." Tears filled in your eyes. He suddenly wiped off the tears out of your eyes with his thumb. "Please. Don't cry," he whispered. He put down his hands and sighed.

"I'm sorry for all of this." He looked away. "What?" You asked with a confused tone. Cloud cleared his throat.

Still the serious expression in him won't disappear. You thought. "You'll have to know the whole truth in the right time," he said. You stared at him confusingly.

"But... But I've found the whole truth! That lady I've met before in Gaia— she said my time has come, but for what? I don't think I belong in this world, Cloud. But what I'm seeing right now, isn't this the truth you and Tifa had been telling me? W-Who I really was? Do I. . . Do I really belong here?" You stuttered. "Cloud, please. . . A-Answer me!"

He sighed. "The truth you found out...isn't the whole truth."

You froze. What did he mean by that? He was unbelievably just looking at you, making you think that a lot of things hadn't been revealed to you. That a lot of things weren't still said unto you. You felt a pang of hatred inside you.

"W-what are you talking about?" You asked, almost clenching your fists out of anger. You could feel the tears coming out of your cloudy eyes. The wind was slowly getting fast. "Cloud, don't tell me there's something more I haven't known!—"

"Just put the trust, in yourself."—was all he said.

"Cloud!" You shouted in anger, tears falling fast. "Tell me!!" You shut your eyes, anger rising up inside you. Cloud suddenly held your arms, "Be tough, (Y/N)," he whispered. You could feel him so near to you. "I know you can do this. Time will soon come. And you'll find your own destiny." You tried to stop crying on what he said.

"Yes, you belong here in Eos. I'm telling the truth that you clearly do not belong in Gaia, but there's something you really should be. . . worried about. This is just an illusion I had to deal with the Prince, so I couldn't stay for long now," he added, looking into your eyes. "I know. . . You're pretty much mad at me right now. But I just want to let you know. . . Tifa and the others are okay. We'll be there for you."

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